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Social exclusion and structural health inequalities. In: Moving Forward Equity in Health

Author/s: Ana Rico, Roumyana Petrova-Benedict, Anna Basten, Rosa Urbanos
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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Chapter VI. In: Moving Forward Equity in Health: Monitoring Social Determinants of Health and the Reduction of Health Inequalities

The SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND STRUCTURAL HEALTH INEQUALITIES chapter focuses on monitoring social exclusion and structural health inequality (HI) in the European Union. It proposes an integrated battery of indicators to measure the impact of social exclusion on health inequalities as well as its interaction with other (structural and contextual) social determinants of health. It builds on previous work carried out by WHO and EU institutions and researchers. Key dimensions of structural HI such as child poverty and employment conditions, reviewed in previous sections of  this report, are also briefly covered here. This chapter is divided into four sections. The first section defines social exclusion as a cause of structural HI. The second and third sections review research evidence and action priorities in the EU, and propose a summary battery of indicators based on them. The fourth section presents the summary and conclusions. Annex V sub-annexes C-E set forth a more detailed battery of indicators based on a review of existing indicators in the EU. An independent expert report commissoned through the Spanish Presidency of the EU. Coordinating- and co-authors involved in producing the contents of this report:

  • Chapter I: Introduction: Moving forward equity in health  – Ildefonso Hernández Aguado
  • Chapter II: Background: Putting social determinants of health and the reduction of of health inequalities in the EU – Eero, Lahtinen, Kimmo Leppo;
  • Chapter III:  Overview: Monitoring social determinants of health – Chris Brown, Peter Goldblatt, Ahmadreza Hosseinpoor, Jennifer Lee, Ritu Sadana;
  • Chapter IV: Inequalities in child health – Luis Rajmil, Barbara Starfield;
  • Chapter V:  Employment conditions and health inequalities– Johannes Siegrist;
  • Chapter VI: Social exclusion and strcutural health inequality – Anna Basten, Ana Rico, Roumyana Petrova-Benedict, Rosa Urbanos
  • Chapter VII: Global health equalities and social determinants of health – Pedro Alonso, Theadora Koller, Kumanan Ilango Rasanathan, Magda Roberts, Eugenio Villar. 
Ministry of Health and Social Policy of Spain