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Testing for COVID-19: A few points to remember [Testování COVID-19– co bychom měli mít na paměti]

Diagnostic approaches to COVID-19 include clinical history, PCR tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus and detection of antibodies. By combining these three approaches, the seroprevalence of anti–SARSCoV- 2 antibodies can be examined in healthcare teams. The aim of the study was to examine the seroprevalence of anti–SARSCoV- 2 antibodies in a population of healthcare professionals 6–8 weeks after the first COVID-19 case was detected in the Czech Republic. A total of 269 subjects were enrolled in the study (187 women, 82 men) with a median age of 45.9 years (21 – 71 years).

Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a negative binomial regression analysis

Objectives: This study aimed to examine the link between human mobility and the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–infected people in countries. Study design: Our data set covers 144 countries for which complete data are available. To analyze the link between human mobility and COVID-19–infected people, our study focused on the volume of air travel, the number of airports, and the Schengen system. Methods: To analyze the variation in COVID-19–infected people in countries, we used negative binomial regression analysis.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia Preliminary considerations

The paper discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia. It points out that the catastrophic scenarios of the decline in tourism mainly concern urban destinations focused on foreign tourism. In contrast, rural destinations create an alternative. Some of them have even shown an increase in tourism in the 2020 summer season as compared to 2019. However, this new orientation requires investing in infrastructure, marketing and regional cooperation. Highlights Paper investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia.

Population data mobility retrieval at territory of Czechia in pandemic COVID-19 period

This article describes the methodology and the possibilities of collecting operation data in a mobile network provider. First, the architecture and the principles used in the system are described. The precision analysis of the population commuting in the region and during the pandemic and nonpandemic times. Moreover, several ideas about further utilization of the data will be formulated and described. Finally, a graph-based approach that describes the creation of the community structure between the people and the means of its analysis. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Assisted Voluntary Returns from Czech Republic (AVR) in 2015

The project’s objective is to assist the Czech government in an effort to reduce risks generated by irregular migration by facilitating assisted voluntary returns of migrants who found themselves in a situation where voluntary return became an option to consider, or necessity. Herewith proposed project will focus on operational part of AVRR process. It will namely provide: 1) Travel arrangements; 2) Flight tickets; 3) Direct assistance at airport of departure, airports of transit and ports of entry; 4) Medical and non-medical escorts.

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program for Nationals of European, Non EU Countries, for Nationals of Asian Countries, and for Nationals of African Countries (AVRRPC)

The project will enlarge activities in return to countries of origin, especially through various types of reintegration activities in the country of return. This assistance will lead to stabilization of returnees and therefore to sustainability of the return and in consequence add value to efforts of Board of Asylum Facilities and IOM Prague. Within the framework of the project, IOM will provide assistance in arranging flights for returnees, obtaining of travel documents, provide pre-departure, transit and post-arrival assistance. .