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Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a negative binomial regression analysis

Objectives: This study aimed to examine the link between human mobility and the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–infected people in countries. Study design: Our data set covers 144 countries for which complete data are available. To analyze the link between human mobility and COVID-19–infected people, our study focused on the volume of air travel, the number of airports, and the Schengen system. Methods: To analyze the variation in COVID-19–infected people in countries, we used negative binomial regression analysis.


This paper aims to shed light on work-life balance in Latvia during the state of emergency. The COVID-19 outbreak has led many governments to introduce lockdowns. While imposed restrictions may help to contain the spread of the virus, they may also result in substantial damage to population well-being. The COVID-19 outbreak in Latvia demonstrates the extent and ways in which socio-demographics factors have determined different patterns of behaviour, attitudes, employment changes and harmonised work and life balance.

The MIPEX Health strand: a longitudinal, mixedmethods survey of policies on migrant health in 38 countries

Background Within health systems, equity between migrants and native-born citizens is still a long way from being achieved. Benchmarking the equitability of policies on migrant health is essential for monitoring progress and identifying positive and negative aspects of national policies. For this purpose, the 2015 round of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) was expanded to include a strand on health, in a collaborative project carried out between 2013 and 2017 in 38 countries. 

Continuation of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Latvia, Stage VII - Latvia

The proposed project is the seventh continuation of AVRR program for Latvia. The proposal responds towards implementation of the EP Return Directive 2008/115/EC. Since 2009, IOM Riga has implemented AVRR programs in Latvia. This project will further consolidate the AVRR model and offer assisted voluntary return and reintegration assistance to irregular migrants in Latvia who wish to return voluntarily to their countries of origin.

Continuation of Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Latvia, Stage VI

The proposed project is the sixth continuation of AVRR programme for Latvia. The proposal responds to-wards implementation of the EP Return Directive 2008/115/EC. Since 2009, IOM Riga has implemented AVRR programmes in Latvia. In previous phases of the project, IOM Riga arranged over 300 voluntary re-turns and assisted over 100 reintegration cases.

Continuation of Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Latvia, Stage V

The proposed project is the fifth continuation of AVRR programme for Latvia. The proposal responds towards implementation of the EP Return Directive 2008/115/EC. Since 2009, IOM Riga has implemented AVRR programmes in Latvia. In previous phases of the project, IOM Riga arranged over 200 voluntary returns and assisted several dozen reintegration cases.

Migration health: Better health for all in Europe

The Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities has been an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Health Programme and the Office of the Portuguese High Commissioner for Health, which has contributed to recent efforts to tackle health inequalities in relation to migration in Europe.

Maternal and child healthcare for immigrant populations

Migration represents a great opportunity for the European Union. It counteracts the demographic ageing and enhances Europe’s economic potential by meeting the needs of an increasingly demanding labour market and by contributing to socio-cultural enrichment. A holistic and sensitive policy framework needs to be developed in order to provide quality health care to migrant mothers and their children.