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Covid-19 in Refugee Shelters: The German Public Health Service Needs Strengthening Now [Covid-19 in Flüchtlingsunterkünften: ÖGD jetzt weiter stärken]

The Covid-19 pandemic poses a major challenge for the management of collective accommodation centres for refugees. The often-overcrowded facilities hinder satisfactory implementation of social distancing and hygiene practices. Adequate information policies as well as a rapid, efficient management of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases are essential. However, scientific evidence on this is largely lacking. Besides partially implemented approaches, such as isolation areas or cluster quarantine, plans to evacuate overcrowded facilities should also be considered.

Coronavirus Crisis and Housing Policy Challenges [Corona-Krise fordert Wohnungspolitik heraus]

The coronavirus pandemic and the associated containment measures are likely to have serious effects on housing. In the short term, the German Federal Government has reacted with temporary exemptions for subject-oriented instruments as well as for rental and lending regulations. However, it has become apparent that further temporary regulations are needed within the scope of social security of housing. In the course of the recession, pronounced price declines on the housing markets are to be expected due to the great relevance of demandside developments.

European aeromedical evacuation transports with SARS-COV 2 positive patients [Innereuropäische Aeromedical-Evacuation-Transporte im Rahmen von COVID-19]

Background As part of the humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the German Armed Forces provided air transport for patients to Germany from overwhelmed regional hospitals in Italy and France. Thus far, 22 Italian and 2 French citizens have been flown to Germany as part of this effort. The objective of this study is to use a pre-post comparison to analyse changes in vital signs, in particular regarding the ventilation status of the patients, and to draw conclusions for future transports of COVID-19 patients in fixed-wing aircraft.

Rapid return of children in residential care to family as a result of COVID-19: Scope, challenges, and recommendations

Background: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments have mandated that residential care providers rapidly return children and youth to family. Objective: The goal of the present study was to better understand the scope and characteristics of rapid return, and to provide data-informed recommendations for service providers working with this population. Participants and setting: Representatives from 67 non-government organizations (NGOs) providing residential care that were government-mandated to rapidly return children and youth to family completed a brief online survey.

Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a negative binomial regression analysis

Objectives: This study aimed to examine the link between human mobility and the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–infected people in countries. Study design: Our data set covers 144 countries for which complete data are available. To analyze the link between human mobility and COVID-19–infected people, our study focused on the volume of air travel, the number of airports, and the Schengen system. Methods: To analyze the variation in COVID-19–infected people in countries, we used negative binomial regression analysis.

Acute Stroke in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Study

Background and Purpose: This study aims to assess the number of patients with acute ischemic cerebrovascular events seeking in-patient medical emergency care since the implementation of social distancing measures in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: In this retrospective multicenter study, data on the number of hospital admissions due to acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack and numbers of reperfusion therapies performed in weeks 1 to 15 of 2020 and 2019 were collected in 4 German academic stroke centers.

Travel risk perception and travel behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020: a case study of the DACH region

The study examined the relationship between perception of COVID-19, travel risk perception and travel behaviour among travellers in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)–an important tourism market and, after Italy, the second region in Europe that was impacted by COVID-19.

Pro-migrant protest in times of COVID-19: intersectional boundary spanning and hybrid protest practices

Public policies implemented to flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections created unprecedented challenges for social movements. Most striking was the de facto temporary suspension of the right to assembly. Using the case of pro-migrant mobilizations in Germany as an example, we analyse how social movements are affected by and respond to this exceptional context. Instead of a breakdown, we find evidence for a proliferation of mobilization. This is surprising since COVID-19 related restraints were particularly accentuated for pro-migrant mobilizations.