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Health and illness in migrants and refugees arriving in Europe: analysis of the electronic Personal Health Record system


The electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR) is a health information system that registers health data on newly arriving migrants and was implemented in eight European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study aimed to describe the health problems and health status of all migrants attended at health clinics as part of the health assessment program established in the reception centres (2016–2019).

Health and Illness in Newly Arrived Migrants and Refugees Arriving at Europe's Shores: Analysis of the Electronic Personal Health Record System in Seven Countries

Background: The electronic Personal Health (ePHR) Record is a health information system for newly arriving migrants that has been implemented in seven European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study of all migrants who attended as part of the health assessment programme established in the reception centres between 2016 and 2019 that provides a comprehensive overview of illness and health in the migrant cohort.

The MIPEX Health strand: a longitudinal, mixedmethods survey of policies on migrant health in 38 countries

Background Within health systems, equity between migrants and native-born citizens is still a long way from being achieved. Benchmarking the equitability of policies on migrant health is essential for monitoring progress and identifying positive and negative aspects of national policies. For this purpose, the 2015 round of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) was expanded to include a strand on health, in a collaborative project carried out between 2013 and 2017 in 38 countries. 

Provision of Integration Support to Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in Bulgaria

Under this project IOM will provide administrative, legal, health, psychological and social support to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection by an expert team consisting of a psychologist (1), a social worker (1) and a legal counselor (1) in SAR reception centers in the country (Sofia, Harmanli, Pastrogor, Baniya) and at the premises of IOM offices (Sofia and Harmanli).

Training and Counselling of Legal Migrants and Persons Seeking/Granted International Protection

The project aims at assisting third-country nationals (TCN’s) legally residing in Bulgaria and persons seeking asylum or granted with international protection in their socio-economic integration in Bulgaria. Migrants supported will receive relevant information on the legal rights and obligations pertaining to their stay in Bulgaria and will increase their knowledge about services and competent authorities in social, educational, health, employment and other areas. The project also aims at increasing migrants’ knowledge of Bulgarian language by providing them with free language courses.

Counselling and Training of Third Country Nationals and Beneficiaries of International Protection-Bulgaria

The project aims at assisting third-country nationals (TCN’s) legally residing in Bulgaria and persons granted with international protection in their social, economic and cultural integration in Bulgaria. Migrants supported will receive relevant information on the legal rights and obligations pertaining to their stay in Bulgaria, and will increase their knowledge about services and competent authorities in social, educational, health, employment and other areas.

Reintegration and Protection Assistance to Victims and Witnesses of Human Trafficking from Bulgaria (PAVW)

The project aims to facilitate the rehabilitation and sustainable reintegration of victims and witnesses of human trafficking from Bulgaria. The project is designed to expand and strenghten IOM Sofia's counter-trafficking partnership network throughout the country by offeing safe lodging and board, medical / psychological help, legal counseling, comprehensive protection and reintegration sevices.

Provision of Social and Psychological Support to Asylum Seekers in Bulgaria including Identification and Support of Vulnerable Groups

IOM will provide social and psychological support to asylum seekers in the initial adaptation phase, including identification of vulnerable persons and referral to social services/ specialized care according to their needs. The support will be provided by an expert team consisting of a psychologist (1), a social worker (1) and a cultural mediator/interpreter in State Agency for Refugees (SAR) reception centers in the country (Sofia, Harmanli, Pastrogor, Baniya) and at the premises of IOM offices (Sofia and Harmanli) for beneficiaries living at external addresses.

Migration health: Better health for all in Europe

The Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities has been an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Health Programme and the Office of the Portuguese High Commissioner for Health, which has contributed to recent efforts to tackle health inequalities in relation to migration in Europe.