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Health and illness in migrants and refugees arriving in Europe: analysis of the electronic Personal Health Record system


The electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR) is a health information system that registers health data on newly arriving migrants and was implemented in eight European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study aimed to describe the health problems and health status of all migrants attended at health clinics as part of the health assessment program established in the reception centres (2016–2019).

Impacts of Covid-19 on peer-to-peer accommodation platforms: Host perceptions and responses

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought international tourism at a standstill. Peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation, in particular, has been greatly affected with platforms being heavily criticised for lacking a strategic response to users’ needs. Drawing from semi-structured interviews with P2P accommodation hosts, this study aims to explore: a) their perceptions of the short-term impacts of the pandemic on their hosting practice, b) their responses to the pandemic and c) their perceptions of the long-term impacts of the pandemic on the P2P accommodation sector.

Prevalence and predictors of anxiety and depression symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with precautionary measures: Age and sex matter

Effective management of the global pandemic caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (also known as COVID-19), resulted in the implementation of severe restrictions in movement and enforcement of social distancing measures. This study aimed to understand and characterize the psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the general population and to identify risks and protective factors that predict changes in mental health status. In addition, the study investigated compliance with precautionary measures (PM) to halt the spread of the virus.

Dealing with COVID-19 in small European island states: Cyprus, Iceland and Malta

Background: COVID-19 became a global pandemic within weeks, as every country including small states and islands experienced a surge in cases. Small islands are known to face a number of challenges but in the quest to curb the viral spread, with the absence of land boarders and small population size, these factors should have played to their advantage to minimize the spread. The aim of this article was to compare and contrast the COVID-19 situation, restrictions, preparedness, management and the healthcare systems between the small population island states of Cyprus, Iceland and Malta.

Response to COVID-19 in Cyprus: Policy changes and epidemic trends

Objectives: In late July, Cyprus experienced the second epidemic wave of COVID-19. We present the steps taken by the government and evaluate their effect on epidemic trends. Materials: Cyprus Press and Information Office data were analysed. Using an R-based forecasting program, two models were created to predict cases up to 01/09/2020: Model 1, which utilised data up to 09/06/2020, when airports reopened to foreign travelers with COVID-19 screening; and Model 2, which utilised data until 24/06/2020, when screening for passengers from low-transmission countries was discontinued.

Health and Illness in Newly Arrived Migrants and Refugees Arriving at Europe's Shores: Analysis of the Electronic Personal Health Record System in Seven Countries

Background: The electronic Personal Health (ePHR) Record is a health information system for newly arriving migrants that has been implemented in seven European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study of all migrants who attended as part of the health assessment programme established in the reception centres between 2016 and 2019 that provides a comprehensive overview of illness and health in the migrant cohort.

Information and Support Centre for Voluntary Returns

The IOM Cyprus Information and Support Centre for Voluntary Returns aims to contribute to the integrated management of migration in Cyprus through the promotion of voluntary return and sustainable socio-economic reintegration of beneficiaries that opt to return to their Country of origin. The Centre has run from January 2016 and the project is renewed for a period of 12 more months. The objectives are: 1. To provide AVRR information and counselling to 150 migrants in the second phase 2. To assist 100 migrants to return under the auspices of the second phase this specific project 3.

Migration health: Better health for all in Europe

The Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities has been an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Health Programme and the Office of the Portuguese High Commissioner for Health, which has contributed to recent efforts to tackle health inequalities in relation to migration in Europe.

Maternal and child healthcare for immigrant populations

Migration represents a great opportunity for the European Union. It counteracts the demographic ageing and enhances Europe’s economic potential by meeting the needs of an increasingly demanding labour market and by contributing to socio-cultural enrichment. A holistic and sensitive policy framework needs to be developed in order to provide quality health care to migrant mothers and their children.

Cultural Competence and Training in Mental Health Practice in Europe: Strategies to Implement Competence and Empower Practitioners

The achievement of good mental health levels is important for the economic and social welfare of a society. Due to the circumstances surrounding the migration process, migrant populations have been found to disproportionately face mental health problems when compared to host populations. On the other hand, in today’s EU multicultural societies, mental health care approaches are often ineffective, resulting in major disparities especially affecting migrant populations.