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Human mobility and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a negative binomial regression analysis

Objectives: This study aimed to examine the link between human mobility and the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–infected people in countries. Study design: Our data set covers 144 countries for which complete data are available. To analyze the link between human mobility and COVID-19–infected people, our study focused on the volume of air travel, the number of airports, and the Schengen system. Methods: To analyze the variation in COVID-19–infected people in countries, we used negative binomial regression analysis.


Remigration opens up the opportunity for a country to see the return of its citizens from migration, bringing with them their ideas, knowledge, values and skills. The work sphere is one of the main areas where these social remittances can be used. Still, very little attention is paid to the workplace in social remittance literature. Therefore, the first aim of this article is to explore the types of remigrants’ social remittances, the ways they are transmitted and their acceptance in the work sphere.

The MIPEX Health strand: a longitudinal, mixedmethods survey of policies on migrant health in 38 countries

Background Within health systems, equity between migrants and native-born citizens is still a long way from being achieved. Benchmarking the equitability of policies on migrant health is essential for monitoring progress and identifying positive and negative aspects of national policies. For this purpose, the 2015 round of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) was expanded to include a strand on health, in a collaborative project carried out between 2013 and 2017 in 38 countries. 

Assisted Voluntary Return for Vulnerable Persons VI

The overall objective of the project is to ensure the sustainability of assisted voluntary returns from Lithuania by assisting vulnerable returnees tailored to their specific needs in returning to their countries of origin. For the purpose of this project vulnerable migrants shall be defined as the following: • persons with health problems; • victims of human trafficking; • pregnant women; • single parents (father or mother returning alone with their child/children); • large families (with three and more children); • elderly persons (from 60 years on); • unaccompanied minors.

Facilitating Refugee Resettlement to Lithuania

This project is intended to provide comprehensive resettlement services to those refugees identified by the Government of Lithuania for resettlement to Lithuania in 2016 and 2017. Resettlement will take place from Turkey. The Migration department under the Ministry of the Interior (MD), in coordination with UNHCR, will be responsible for the selection of refugees from the files submitted by the UNHCR. The interviews will take place in the premises of the Embassy of Lithuania in Turkey.

Innovative Development of Intercultural Competences for Police Officers (IDIC)

This project aims to change the current situation by building and/or strengthening the intercultural capacity of specialists working in the police or migration departments with third countries nationals (TCN’s). In pursuit of this objective, IOM Vilnius Office will initiate a two-stage learning process (16 academic hours) for the target group of specialists: 1. An e-learning program having 2 theoretical modules: a) Legal aspects of residence of TCN’s in Lithuania (International and EU conventions, National legislation); b) Cultural aspects of specific ethno-geographical zones; and 2.

Migration health: Better health for all in Europe

The Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities has been an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Health Programme and the Office of the Portuguese High Commissioner for Health, which has contributed to recent efforts to tackle health inequalities in relation to migration in Europe.