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Health and illness in migrants and refugees arriving in Europe: analysis of the electronic Personal Health Record system


The electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR) is a health information system that registers health data on newly arriving migrants and was implemented in eight European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia). This is a cross-sectional study aimed to describe the health problems and health status of all migrants attended at health clinics as part of the health assessment program established in the reception centres (2016–2019).

Socioeconomic inequalities in overall and COVID-19 mortality during the first outbreak peak in Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy)

OBJECTIVES: to provide a description of inequalities in overall and COVID-19 mortality by ecological socioeconomic measures (ESEMs) during the first outbreak peak (March and April 2020) in Emilia-Romagna Region. DESIGN: cross-sectional study based on the record linkage of the COVID-19 notification system, the regional population health register and the 2011 census data.

The Covid-19 pandemic within an inner area of Campania: Peripherality, density and virus diffusion in the province of Avellino

In Italy the Covid-19 emergency hit some of the territories crossed by the thickest commercial networks and the intense flows of human mobility The paper aims to reason on the factors of territorial vulnerability that may have facilitated the spread of the virus, trying to formulate a first hypothesis about the low density settlement structure has protected the more peripheral communities of the inner areas.

Urgency and rule of law in the time of covid-19: Between some essential limits and a needed flexibility [Urgenza e legalità ai tempi del CoViD-19: Fra limiti imprescindibili e necessaria flessibilità]

In order to cope with the CoViD-19 epidemic, the Italian Government approved two Decree-law, later ratified by Parliament, conferring the Prime Minister the power to adopt the regulation to implement the social distancing measures. The essay deals with the compatibility of such a normative method with the Italian Constitution, in particular with the principles concerning the exercise of the legislative power by the Government in emergency situations (art. 77) and the freedom of movement enshrined by art. 16 of the Italian Basic Law. © 2020, University of Trento.

European aeromedical evacuation transports with SARS-COV 2 positive patients [Innereuropäische Aeromedical-Evacuation-Transporte im Rahmen von COVID-19]

Background As part of the humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the German Armed Forces provided air transport for patients to Germany from overwhelmed regional hospitals in Italy and France. Thus far, 22 Italian and 2 French citizens have been flown to Germany as part of this effort. The objective of this study is to use a pre-post comparison to analyse changes in vital signs, in particular regarding the ventilation status of the patients, and to draw conclusions for future transports of COVID-19 patients in fixed-wing aircraft.

Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in italians and in immigrants in an area of northern Italy (Reggio Emilia) [Prevalenza di infezione SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) negli Italiani e negli immigrati nell’area di Reggio Emilia]

It has been hypothesized that bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), the anti-tuberculosis vaccine, can be protective against Covid-19. Using data of performed swabs and RT-PCR results for SARS-CoV-2 in the Reggio Emilia province (Emilia-Ro-magna Region, Northern Italy) from March 6th to March 26th, 2020, we computed age, gender, and place of birth (Italy or abroad) specific risk of being tested, prevalence of positive tests, and probability of testing positive given that a swab has been taken during the epidemic peak.