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Let's Talk about HIV - in our Language: The AIDS & Mobility Europe Guidebook

Author/s: AIDS & Mobility Europe (A&M) Associated Partners
Language: English
Publication Type: Manual/ Training guide(External)

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This guidebook was written to assist people from from many cultural and language backgrounds, especially young people and their families, to better protect themselves. It also aims to take away fear, to enable dialogue and to help in fighting stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, AIDS or hepatitis. The AIDS & Mobility Europe project brings together people from many languages and cultures. The content of this book reflects experiences from many countries. It was produced for participants in AIDS & Mobility community education sessions on HIV, conducted by trained and certified transcultural HIV and AIDS mediators. 

This guidebook was produced in collaboration with the AIDS & Mobility Europe associated project partners: European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Fondettilbekaempelseaf aids (AIDSFondet), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Istituto nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni migranti e il contrasto delle malattie della povertà/National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (NIHMP), Yeniden Saglik ve Egitim Dernegi/Yeniden Health and Education Society (Yeniden), MTU AIDS-I Tugikeskus (AISC), Naz Project London (NPL).