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Developing a public health workforce to address migrant health needs in Europe

Author/s: Jacqueline Weekers, Daniel López Acuña, Maria Teresa Gijon Sanchez, Sandra Pinzon Pulido, Riita Liisa Kolehmainen Aitken, Roumyana Petrova-Benedict
Language: English
Publication Type: Background/ Discussion paper(External)

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Based on a literature review and survey in selected EU countries, this document provides recommendations for actions and strategy and policy changes by the European Union, Member States and training providers. The engagement of all these actors is needed to reorient the competencies of the public health workforce to the needs of modern Europe.


  • Introduction
  • Migration at the European level
  • Health and migration in Europe
  • Toward a migrant-sensitive health workforce
  • Policies and practices of health professional training in Europe
  • Survey findings on training a migrant-sensitive public health workforce
  • Conclusion 
International Organization for Migration