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European Research on Migration and Health (Policy Brief)

Author/s: David Ingleby
Language: English
Publication Type: Policy brief(External)

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This paper reviews the different kinds of research that are required in order to identify, analyse and remedy problems in the field of migrant health. It is divided into five sections: (1) Why is research on migrant health important? (2) What kinds of research are needed (3) Who carries out this research, what methods are involved, and what are the difficulties? (4)  Rsearch at the European (or global) level (5) Conclusions. 

Developed within the framework of the IOM project "Assisting Migrants and Communities (AMAC): Analysis of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities". Co-funded by the European Commission DG Health and Consumer's Health Programme, the Office of the Portugues High Commissioner for Healh and IOM. 

International Organization for Migration