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Health profile of pediatric Special Immigrant Visa holders arriving from Iraq and Afghanistan to the United States, 2009–2017: A cross-sectional analysis


The United States has admitted over 80,000 Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVH), which include children. Despite the increase in the proportion of SIVH admissions to the US over recent years, little is known about health conditions in SIV children. We report the frequency of selected diseases identified overseas and assess differences in selected conditions between SIV children from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Migrant and Refugee Health: Complex health associations among diverse contexts call for tailored and rights-based solutions

Migration is a natural state of humankind and has been documented throughout history. Some people may flee violence and persecution, while others simply seek a better life. Although migration is often classified into these two basic categories, the reality is more complex and nuanced: people migrate for a myriad of interconnected cultural, economic, religious, ethnic, and political reasons. Depending upon the epoch, migration has been seen in a positive or negative light.

Psychological morbidity in Nepali cross-border migrants in India: a community based cross-sectional study


BACKGROUND: Since Nepali cross-border migrants can freely enter, work and stay in India, they are largely undocumented. The majority is involved in semi-skilled or unskilled jobs with limited labour rights and social security, a fact which predisposes them to psychological distress. We aimed to assess the prevalence of and factors associated with psychological morbidity among Nepali migrants upon their return from India.

Coordinación de la Iniciativa Conjunta de Salud de las Personas Migrantes y Sus Familias (Coordination of the Joint Initiative of Health of Migrants and Their Families)

This project seeks to contribute to the sustainability of the INCOSAMI Coordination, as the responsible unit to ensure compliance with the action plan agreed by the partners and the Steering Committee. The Joint Initiative pursues three strategic objectives, in three areas: 1) access to information; 2) forming alliances; 3) promotion of inclusive policies.