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UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF)

IOM will develop a research project to determine how migrants, mobile and returned population, have access to HIV and STI diagnosis, care, treatment, and support interventions. The results of the research will be discussed with stakeholders and MoH, to design and implement a gender-sensitive strategy and an official protocol that will define the care flow for migrant, mobile and returned population.

Emergency Response to Child Trafficking in Volatile Areas in Haiti (ERCT)

This project would aim to address the humanitarian crisis affecting trafficked children in poor volatile areas of Port-au-Prince through assisting 150 victims. In particular, the project will pursue 3 specific objectives: 1) enhance access to immediate shelter for 150 victims, 2) enable life-saving medical, nutritional & psycho-social assistance for 150 victims, and 3) Support the return and reintegration of 150 victims.

Strengthen the Migration and Foreign Directorate by Supporting the Roll Out of a Mobile Archives System for Travel Documents (MATD)

The project aims to install a mobile filing system that supports archive areas where foreign and national citizen`s files are stored and areas where travel documents and document digitalization are done , as well as establishing procedures to restrict the access to confidential information contained in the files amongst other actions.