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Technical Support to Secure Document Issuance in Nicaragua (SDIN)

Contar con un sistema de control y seguridad que garantice a la Dirección de Migración y la Dirección de Extranjería el resguardo de documentación y consumibles a fin de mejorar la fiabilidad e integridad de los procesos y de los productos. A partir de esta iniciativa, se lograría también: 1) Mejorar la seguridad nacional previniendo la venta ilegal de documentos de viaje, residencias, y con ello incidiendo en el combata al tráfico ilegal de migrantes y la trata de personas. 2) Modernizar y ordenar los procesos de elaboración de los documentos migratorios.

Reintegration of Migrants and Victims of Human Trafficking in El Salvador (RMVH)

The proposed project will contribute to strengthen institutional capacities for immediate services to returned Salvadorans. Activities will take place under three main components: 1) Improve infrastructure and equipment for responding to immediate needs of returned Salvadorans; 2) Strengthen technical and operational capacities of the Department of Attention to Migrants for providing psychosocial assistance to returned Salvadorans with special needs; 3) Increase knowledge at the national level on concrete options for socio-economic reintegration of returnees.

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Pilot Program, Canada (AVRRC)

The pilot project will facilitate the assisted voluntary return of up to 6,955 failed refugee claimants residing in Canada. It will provide country of origin information, counselling, reception and onward transportation to the beneficiaries. It will also support the social and professional reintegration of the project participants through financial reintegration assistance and the funding of viable revenue generating projects to those eligible returnees as per Government of Canada’s recommendation. Assistance to vulnerable groups (i.e.

El Salvador - Return and Reintegration of Unaccompanied Minors - Phase II (RR-UAM II)

The general objective of the project is to contribute to the reintegration of unaccompanied minors returning from the U.S., in an effort to protect their human rights to be fulfilled through four main components: (1) Return to communities of origin, (2) Family reunification, social and educational reintegration, (3) Prevention in communities and schools, (4) monitoring.

Staff and Office Costs - Loan Collection

The Orange County office is responsible for assisting with the collection of outstanding promissory notes from refugees who have resettled in the USA. Key activities include promissory note validation and digital archiving, billing and collecting repayments from accounts managed by IOM and supervising and monitoring the billing and repayment operations of loans assigned to the refugee resettlement agencies for collection.

Resettlement from Europe

Under the auspices of the USRP, IOM provides, in various countries, resettlement assistance to individuals or groups of individuals who have been approved for resettlement in the US. The types of assistance offered varies from country to country and ranges from support to pre- and post-interview processing and processing of all arrangements related to travel. Refugees resettled in the US are granted a travel loan. The annual admissions level is decided in consultations between the US Administration and Congress and in recent years has been approximately 80,000 individuals.

Selection, Preparation and Mobilization of Migrant Workers from Honduras to Canada (SPMMHC)

Upon the request of Maple Leaf Foods in Canada, IOM Honduras will work to coordinate the recruitment, preparation and deployment of 130 Honduran workers. The process includes pre-departure orientation, health check, English training, visa applications, travel arrangements and certain integration and initial transnational communication services for 130 Honduran workers to be hired by Maple Leaf Foods for employment in their Canadian plants of Brandon (Manitoba) y Lethbridge (Alberta).

Migrants Resource Centre for Brazilian Migrants in Guyana (MRCB)

This project aims to contribute to regularised migration status, access to basic services and improved integration for Brazilian migrants in Guyana. In pursuit of this objective, IOM will initiate the establishment of a Migrants’ Resource Centre (MRC) that will support the provision of reliable information, including migrants’ rights and obligations in Guyana, consular services, common health and education issues, how to legalise one’s status and good mining practices, in order to foster integration of Brazilian migrants in Guyana.

Hurricane Matthew Emergency Relief

In response to Hurricane Matthew IOM Haiti has identified five priority areas of intervention which have been reflected in a global flash appeal. By combining these five (5) components, the project’s objective is to assist the Government of Haiti and its humanitarian partners in the immediate assistance of affected populations through the provision of NFI and WASH items as well as updated information on displaced populations and logistical support.