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On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN

This book explores new concepts and identifies critical themes in migration studies in ASEAN, with a focus on selected emerging trends, namely: various forms and degrees of environmental change and how these changes transform migration; labour, human trafficking and migration; migrant children; and gender. It presents selected papers from two conferences at Chulalongkorn University hosted by the Asian Research Center for Migration (ARCM) and its partners, held to mark International Migrants Day on 18 December in 2011 and 2012.

Population Mobility and Malaria: Review of International, Regional and National Policies and Legal Frameworks that Promote Migrants and Mobile Populations’ Access to Health and Malaria Services in the Greater Mekong Subregion

In order to provide an evidence-base and guidance for malaria programme managers at national level, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO) and key stakeholders in the 5 countries, collaborated on this document to provide recommendations on the technical implementation and policy implications of addressing malaria for MMPs.

Migration, Mobility and Malaria: A Study on Migrants’ Vulnerability to Malaria and Epidemiology of Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria in Binh Phuoc Province, Viet Nam (Vietnamese)

In 2015, 12.6 per cent of Viet Nam’s population lived in malaria-endemic areas. Considerable progress has been made in decreasing overall rates of malaria and malaria-related deaths. However, there are some worrying trends, with noted slower progress in reducing malaria-related admissions and deaths in 2013 and 2014. Also of concern is the increasing level of resistance to artemisinin, a key drug for combatting malaria.

IOM training manual on psychosocial assistance for trafficked persons

This training manual is meant to provide qualified reference to general helpers and counsellors on the appropriate operational standards of care and assistance to trafficked persons, paying special consideration to the psychosocial aspects of the trafficking experience. To increase their capacity and effectiveness, it is important for field practitioners to familiarize themselves with the fundamental concepts underlying the stages of human trafficking and their impact on the trafficked persons.

For life, with love: Training tool for HIV prevention and safe migration in road construction settings and affected communities

New transportation infrastructure and the emergence of transport and economic corridors in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) have led to better connectivity and regional economic integration, the creation of new jobs, and new and complex patterns of internal and cross-border migration. These developments, however, can also have negative out-comes. One is increased vulnerability to HIV infection, particularly along transport corridors and cross-border areas.

Migration, Mobility and Malaria: A Study on Migrants’ Vulnerability to Malaria and Epidemiology of Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria in Binh Phuoc Province, Viet Nam

In 2015, 12.6 per cent of Viet Nam’s population lived in malaria-endemic areas. Considerable progress has been made in decreasing overall rates of malaria and malaria-related deaths. However, there are some worrying trends, with noted slower progress in reducing malaria-related admissions and deaths in 2013 and 2014. Also of concern is the increasing level of resistance to artemisinin, a key drug for combatting malaria.

Baseline Data Collection and Rapid Assessment Along Three Major Transport Corridors in Vietnam (BDCVN)

The purpose of this proposed data collection is to determine the knowledge and behaviour of truck drivers and to establish the baseline data necessary for supporting appropriate, essential services and advocacy for transport workers, especially truck drivers. The data will be used to determine what services are necessary, will be most effective, and will be widely accepted by mobile populations. It will also provide direction for the nature of appropriate preventative activities in the context of current behaviour and knowledge of truck drivers.

United Kingdom Tuberculosis Detection Programme (UKTBP)

At the request of the Government of the United Kingdom, IOM implements the Tuberculosis (TB) Detection Programme for visa applicants who intend to stay in the UK for a period of 6 months or longer. The main purpose of the programme is to address public health concerns regarding the spread of infectious tuberculosis in the UK by preventing the entry of people suffering from active TB until they have been successfully treated, as well as to facilitate access to diagnostics and referrals for treatment in the migrants’ countries of origin.

Improving Overseas Health Assessment and Management of US - Bound Refugees in Manila, Geneva, Nairobi, Ho Chi Minh City, Moscow (OHAU)

The project aims to prevent disruption of resettlement activities, protect public health in the USA against importation and spread of vaccine-preventable diseases, reduce financial burden on the U.S. health system and provide individual protection through vaccination of the U,S.-bound refugees, according to recommendations of the HHS/CDC Advisory Council for Vaccination Practices.