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Community, Rights and Gender Barriers Relating to Tuberculosis Prevention and Control among Migrants and Mobile Populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Tuberculosis (TB) is a social disease – and migration, as a social determinant of health, may increase TB-related morbidity and mortality among migrants and the communities in which they live. Across the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), migrants face various barriers to accessing TB detection and treatment services. The Global Fund Strategy 2023–2028 highlights the importance of human rights, gender equality and community engagement, and of addressing the social determinants of TB, through a package of comprehensive and quality TB services.

Migration and Health in ASEAN: Regional Case Studies

The findings highlight that key challenges towards achieving optimal migrant health include the following gaps: in Brunei Darussalam, while it is a legally binding requirement for employers to obtain medical insurance for their migrant workers for the full duration of their employment, not all employers fulfil this obligation; in Indonesia, no coordination mechanisms exist between social health insurance provided by the government and overseas providers of migrant workers; in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Philippines, multisectoral governmental coordination to specifically addres