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Clinical Sequelae Associated with Unresolved Tropical Splenomegaly in a Cohort of Recently Resettled Congolese Refugees in the United States—Multiple States, 2015–2018

Abstract. Tropical splenomegaly is often associated with malaria and schistosomiasis. In 2014 and 2015, 145 Congolese refugees in western Uganda diagnosed with splenomegaly during pre-departure medical examinations underwent enhanced screening for various etiologies. After anecdotal reports of unresolved splenomegaly and complications after U.S. arrival, patients were reassessed to describe long-term clinical progression after arrival in the United States.

Gender-based Violence Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey in South Sudan

This study aimed to collect baseline information across a number of states on gender-based violence (GBV), sexual and reproductive health, HIV, and gender norms in emergency settings among key populations of humanitarian concern in South Sudan, including internally displaced persons in the protection of civilian sites, host communities, and female sex workers.

MHPSS and Well-being Promotion Campaign: Staff Welfare

This set of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials was produced as part of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and well-being promotion campaign of IOM South Sudan. It focuses on staff welfare in humanitarian emergencies. It aims at raising awareness on regular self-care, keeping a good work-life balance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in humanitarian settings.