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Managing the Paradox of Conflictual Policy and Strategy Regarding Health of Irregular Migrants: Perspective From Europe and Africa

Irregular migrants belong to the most vulnerable migrant groups. Health threats associated with an irregular status are high, and access to health services is severely restricted globally. Concerning migration aspects, a common public narrative for Europe and Africa is that Africa is sending thousands of migrants to embark on an irregular life-threatening journey of migration to Europe every year. Although this is a well documented reality, it is by far not the most important migration pattern in terms of numbers and health threats when looking at Africa.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Migration: Programme Framework for East and Horn of Africa and Southern Africa 2023–2027

This Programme Framework for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Migration for East and Horn of Africa and Southern Africa (2023-2027) provides a strategic direction on the key priorities and approaches to be undertaken by IOM and its partners in sustaining migration-responsive SRHR and HIV interventions in the region.

Climate change, migration, and zoonoses in the East and Horn of Africa region: A call for action

This technical brief presents an overview of the available evidence connecting climate change, migration, and zoonotic disease risk in East and Horn of Africa, highlighting the gaps in policy and programming for the human mobility and global health security nexus, and providing key recommendations to policymakers and implementing agencies.

Empathy and use of evidence in handling travellers coming from covid-19 high-risk countries

Most African countries have implemented the recommendation to quarantine travellers coming from COVID-19 high-risk countries. This is a noble public health intervention which has been shown to reduce new infections and mortality. There have been reports of hostility towards travellers returning from COVID-19 high-risk countries regarding quarantine especially in developing countries. Some have been housed in squalid conditions or asked to pay for their own accommodation in private facilities. Moreover, quarantine has been associated with mental and psychological consequences.

Cochrane corner: Effectiveness of quarantine in reducing the spread of COVID-19

Introduction: there is no effective vaccine against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) at present, so non-pharmacological interventions like quarantine are advocated to control its spread. Quarantine refers to the restriction of the movement of asymptomatic healthy people who have had contact with cases of a communicable disease. We highlight a Cochrane rapid review, published in April 2020, on the effectiveness of quarantine in limiting the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 and African tourism research agendas

COVID-19 has triggered a burst of international scholarship concerning the reshaping of tourism and the resetting of tourism research agendas. The aim of this paper is to tease out some implications for re-orienting the African tourism research agenda from 2020 and beyond. Arguably, an appropriate African research response to COVID-19 in the context of tourism must embrace a genuine transdisciplinary approach and draw in researchers who would not, historically, have operated in the tourism space.

Globalisation in the time of COVID-19: Repositioning Africa to meet the immediate and remote challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new climate of uncertainty which is fuelling protectionism and playing into nationalist narratives. Globalisation is under significant threat as governments scramble to reduce their vulnerability to the virus by limiting global trade and flows of people. With the imposition of border closures and strict migration measures, there have been major disruptions in Africa's global supply chains with adverse impacts on employment and poverty.