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Global Research Agenda on Health, Migration and Displacement: Strengthening research and translating research priorities into policy and practice

This research agenda provides a road map on how these five priorities (namely: scaling up access to services and universal health coverage; making health emergency preparedness more responsive; better understanding determinants of health; bringing visibility to under-researched groups, and finding new ways to collaborate in research) can be achieved over the next five years.

Transnational Talent in Science: Diaspora Engagement and Global Health

This article explores the critical involvement of diasporas in enhancing global health outcomes through partnerships, expertise transfer, and advocacy. It focuses on three key areas: the contributions of diaspora health professionals, the implementation of transnational and national initiatives, and their role in fostering health equity and innovation within the broader global context.

Evaluation of the national AIDS program and HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Jordan

Introduction: The National AIDS Program in Jordan has faced numerous challenges, including insufficient funding, limited resources, and complexities brought on by refugee influxes. The absence of a reliable HIV/AIDS surveillance system further complicates tracking and responding to the epidemic. This study aimed to evaluate the performance and functionality of the National AIDS Program and the HIV/AIDS surveillance system.

WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 3: Diagnosis – rapid diagnostics for tuberculosis detection, third edition

The “WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 3: Diagnosis - Rapid diagnostics for tuberculosis detection, third edition” is the latest document replacing the one issued in 2021. This latest edition includes new recommendations on the use of a new class of diagnostic technologies: targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) tests for the diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The recommendations provide a novel approach for the rapid detection of drug resistance to new anti-TB drugs using the latest technologies.