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Increasing public health safety alongside the New Eastern European Border: An overview of findings from the situational analysis

Author/s: Mariya Samuilova, Jennifer Hollings, Roumyana Petrova-Benedict
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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This document is based on the Situation Analysis Report (SAR) undertaken within the framework of the project “Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Border Line” (PHBLM) and co-authored by Mariya Samuilova, Jennifer Hollings and Roumyana Petrova-Benedict from the Migration Health Unit, IOM Brussels. The present summary report was authored by Mariya Samuilova.The SAR itself was the culmination of the Project’s situation analysis phase drafted with the primary goal of developing a comprehensive evidence base for the subsequent project components. As the first study of this kind, the SAR compiled data from a wide variety of sources and has generated a large quantity of new data using both quantitative and qualitative methods in the primary target countries of Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

This document was produced with the financial contribution of the European Commission, the Hungarian Ministry of Health and IOM. 


International Organization for Migration