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Health Meditation Models in the EU: Examples of good practice

Author/s: IOM MHD RO Brussels, National Network of Health Mediators (NNHM) in Bulgaria
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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This document has been elaborated within the framework of IOMs EQUI-HEALTH project, “Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups”, specifically under the sub-action on Roma Health. The EQUI-HEALTH project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), by a direct grant awarded to IOM by the European Commission’s DG for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture, and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA).

This report compiles health mediation models from participating project partner countries to the Regional Intervention on "Health Mediation and the Roma", launched within this framework and in line with the priorities identified at the Regional Consultative Meeting & Expert Working Group “Health in the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies: Implementation, Challenges and the Way Forward” (Sofia, May 2013) and the Expert Working Group “Health Mediation and the Roma” (Huelva, September 2013, as part of the Conference on Intercultural Mediation in Health Care) to consist of study visits to EU Member States (MS) implementing Roma health mediation programmes with the objective to learn from individual programme experiences.

This report has been produced by National Network of Health mediators (NNHM) in Bulgaria and with the collaboration of project partner countries: Hans Verrept, FPS Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment (Belgium); prof. Ivaylo Tournev, Ognian Kamenov, Diliana Dilkova and Vanya Ivanova, National Network of Health Mediators (Bulgaria); Michal Kubo, Healthy Communities, n.p.o. and Magdaléna Rothová, Association for Culture, Education and Communication (Slovakia); Marta Escobar-Ballesta and Manuel García-Ramírez, CESPYD-Universidad de Sevilla, Javier Arza, Universidad Pública de Navarra Tona Lizana-Alcazo, Catalan Agency of Public Health - Health Ministry of the Catalan Government, José Antonio Jiménez y Marlen Menéndez, Asociación UNGA (Spain); and Lucile Gacon, National Health Mediation Program (France). 

IOM MHD RO Brussels