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Equi-Health: Report on the mechanism for data collection

Author/s: IOM MHD RO Brussels
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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A report on the mechanism for data collection has been developed, including a template for standardized data collection. IOM has convened an Expert Working Group (EWG) from interested MS and experts to discuss the content of the template, referral mechanism, and piloting/implementation possibilities, confidentiality, data protection and data management. This deliverable provides an overview of the discussions of a template/mechanism for standardized data collection, as well as recommendations for further adaptation.

This document is based on the assessment undertaken by IOM within the framework of the project "Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups" Equi-Health project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), by a direct grant awarded to IOM by the European Commission's DG for Health and Food SAfety (SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture, and Food Executive Agency (Chafea). 


IOM MHD RO Brussels