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Documento Exploratório sobre a Resposta Nacional ao HIV em Situações de Emergência em Moçambique: Utilizando os Estudos de Caso de Gaza e Zambézia

Moçambique é frequentemente palco de emergências humanitárias que incluem secas, cheias, ciclones, conflito e doenças epidémicas, entre outros. Este estudo exploratório foi realizado em 2017 no âmbito da “Resposta Nacional ao HIV em Situações de Emergência em Moçambique”. O estudo concluiu que existe uma carência de preparação e coordenação nos departamentos do Governo e outras entidades, e no sistema de acção humanitária da ONU que impossibilita estas agências de responder adequadamente às necessidades e desafios da prevenção gestão do HIV em contextos de emergência humanitária.

Scale-up of HIV prevention along transport corridors

Nearly 30 years ago, the HIV epidemic was first identified as a major problem along East Africa’s road axes. While transport corridors are no longer the primary source of new infections in Kenya, they remain a significant driver of the epidemic. The Government of Kenya has therefore prioritized populations along transport corridors as among “the most important most-at-risk populations that are not adequately covered by the national HIV prevention strategy” (NACC, 2009).

Health Vulnerabilities of Mobile Populations and Affected Communities in Selected Ports of Southern Africa – Walvis Bay, Namibia

Migrants and mobile populations are regarded as most at risk populations in relation to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Tuberculosis (TB). Understanding such vulnerabilities is essential for the development of effective and efficient response strategies, as well as the implementation and monitoring and evaluation thereof.

Integrated HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Survey among Key Populations in Somalia

Following two successful rounds of integrated biological and behavioural surveillance (IBBS) surveys in 2008 and 2014 in Somaliland, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) undertook a third survey in 2017. In collaboration with the AIDS Commission, Ministries of Health and UNICEF, IOM undertook the survey with sex workers and clients, including uniformed personnel, port workers and truckers across three cities in Somalia – Hargeisa, Bossaso and Mogadishu. 


Executive summary