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Key Populations, Key Solutions – A Gap Analysis and Recommendations for Key Populations and HIV in SA

This policy brief is a summary of the findings and recommendations of the ‘Key Populations, Key Responses’ report. Commissioned by the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) and the South African UN Joint Team on HIV & AIDS, this report provides a comprehensive situational analysis of South African men who have sex with men, transgender people, injecting drug users, sex workers, prisoners and migrants, and HIV in South Africa. It includes an overview of completed research, current service provision, gaps and recommendations for Key Populations.

Partnership on Health and Mobility in the Mining Sector of Southern Africa

This is an information Sheet on a project aimed at addressing heath vulnerabilities of migrant mine workers, their families and affected communities in Southern Africa.  The EUR 4.9 million project – Partnership on Health and Mobility in the Mining Sector of Southern Africa – will be funded by the Minister of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation of the Netherlands and will run through December 2015.

Migración Saludable en América Central: Manual de Referencia

El presente documento fue elaborado en conjunto con el Fondo de Cooperación UNFPA/AECID; con el objetivo de formar y sensibilizar a proveedores de salud y funcionarios vinculados con migración sobre las condiciones que aumentan la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones migrantes en América Central, con énfasis en su salud. Se busca fortalecer las acciones de protección y apoyo en las comunidades de origen, tránsito y destino, bajo un enfoque de derechos humanos e interculturalidad que promueva condiciones más inclusivas y desarrollo humano.

Foreign-born children in Europe: An overview from the health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study

Introduction: The background paper presented here is based on findings from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study. The HBSC research network is an international, multidisciplinary alliance of researchers working together since 1982. In 2005/6, 41 countries and regions in Europe and North America collected data as part of the HBSC Study. The overall aim of the study is to gain new insights and increase understanding of adolescent health behaviour.

HIV and People on the Move: Risk and Vulnerabilities of Migrants and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa

This is a summary report of the structured e-mail discussion on the links between population mobility, migration and HIV in Southern Africa, which was organized by the IOM in collaboration with the Health and Development Networks (HDN). The discussion took place on the AF-AIDS eForum, the regional eForum on HIV in Africa, from April to August 2005.

The discussion focused on three main topics:

Risks and vulnerability to HIV: Analysis of key determinants of the Nacala Transport Corridor

ANSA carried out this in-depth qualitative study in 2011 on the Nacala transport corridor in northern Mozambique, to determine the risks and vulnerabilities to HIV of migrants and host communities along the corridor. The study concentrated on areas of significant economic activity, where truck and public transport drivers spend long periods of time and where amenities, such as bars, guesthouses and restaurants have been established to serve increasing numbers of mobile populations. 



The Journey - Series of short comics

The comic stories in this publication capture 'slices' in the lives of Mozambican migrant workers, their experiences in South Africa and their lives at home. They are representatives of some, but not all, of the experiences of Mozambican migrant workers in South Africa. It is hoped that these stories will promote greater understanding of the multifacted dynamics of migration, ultimately reducing xenophobia and discriminatory practices.

HIV "Hot-Spot" mapping of two transport corridors in Mozambique

IOM commissioned this study to obtain information on the trucking sector, sex work, and HIV through an analysis of social and behavioural patterns at 14 pre-selected sites along the Beira and Tete transport corridors in Mozambique. This study is intended to help government and partners to develop customized HIV prevention, treatment, care and support programmes for communities along the main transport corridors. In addition, the findings will be used in advocacy with key national and regional decision-makers to strengthen interventions in this sector.