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Mapping and Size Estimation of Key Populations in Somaliland (Final Report July 2016)

Author/s: IOM Somalia
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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A handful or studies in Somaliland have examined the prevalence and incidence of HIV among vulnerable women and their clients in Somaliland; however, the lack of clear population size estimates impedes the ability of stakeholders to undertake evidence-based planning. To ensure evidence-based policies, interventions and appropriate allocation of resources, an HIV mapping and size estimation of key populations at higher risk of HIV was conducted in Somaliland.  This study aimed to establish the location and size estimates of vulnerable populations and their clients in Hargeisa.

Executive summary

1. Introduction

2. Methodology
2.1. Target populations
2.2. Study locations
2.3. Study design and sampling technique
2.4. Mapping and size estimation methods
2.5. Involvement of local stakeholders and community
2.6. Sample size calculation
2.7. Data collection and analysis
2.8. Ethical considerations
3. Study findings and discussion
3.1. Profile of study participants
3.2. FSW population size estimation in Hargeisa
3.3. Health service access and perception among vulnerable women
3.4. Clients of vulnerable women in Hargeisa
4. Conclusion
4.1. Vulnerable women
4.2. Clients of vulnerable women
4.3. Challenges
4.4. Recommendations
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