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Healthy Migrants, Healthy Thailand: A Migrant Health Program Model

Prepared by IOM in collaboration with the Thai Ministry of Public Health, this report summarizes the structure and management modality of the five-year pilot programme on migrant health in five priority provinces in Thailand. Also included in the report are good practices for different migrant community settings, as well as the  achievements and lessons learned during the programme.

Migración Saludable en América Central: Aprenda Facilitando

El presente manual fue elaborado en conjunto con el Fondo de Cooperación UNFPA/AECID; con el objetivo de formar y sensibilizar a proveedores de salud y funcionarios vinculados con migración sobre las condiciones que aumentan la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones migrantes en América Central, con énfasis en su salud. Se busca fortalecer las acciones de protección y apoyo en las comunidades de origen, tránsito y destino, bajo un enfoque de derechos humanos e interculturalidad que promueva condiciones más inclusivas y desarrollo humano.

MIDA Ghana Health Project

The Migration for development in Africa (MIDA) initiative links the skills and expertise in the diaspora to the development of home countries. The MIDA Ghana Health project aims to build a bridge between available resources of the Ghanaian diaspora and needs, opportunities and policies in the health sector in Ghana. The main purpose of the project is to facilitate the temporary return to Ghana of Ghanaian health professionals from the diaspora residing in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany and other EU countries for the benefit of local health institutions.

Migration of health workers in Kenya: The impact on health service delivery

This study was conducted as part of the research agenda of the Kenya Technical Working Group (TWG) for Managing the Migration of Human Resources for Health (HRH) established in Kenya, coordinated by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour and in cooperation with International Organization on Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the East African Community (EAC) Multi-sectoral Technical Committee of Experts on Migration of Human Resources for Health and as part of the Regional Network for Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa (EQUINET) regional programme of

Developing a public health workforce to address migrant health needs in Europe

An urgent task in many European countries is to adapt health systems to the needs of today’s multi cultural and multi ethnic societies. Such a transformation cannot take place without a migrant sensitive health workforce that supports the required changes and delivers accessible, culturally appropriate, equitable and competent care.

Guidelines for border management and detention procedures involving migrants: A public health perspective

The guidelines was developed within the framework of PHBLM project “Increasing Public Health Safety alongside the New Eastern European Border Line”.  It was designed primarily to support the capacity of border management personnel to deal with migration health concerns and public health risks related to migration and to promote good practices and standards for border management and health personnel working and dealing with significant health risks.

WMR 2010: The Future of Health Worker Migration

This paper is one of 19 background papers which have been prepared for the IOM, 2010 World Migration Report entitled the “Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change”. The 2010 report focuses on likely future trends in migration and the capacities that will be required by States, regional and international organizations, civil society and the private sector to manage migration successfully over the coming decades.
