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Migración Saludable en América Central: Aprende Haciendo

El presente manual fue elaborado en conjunto con el Fondo de Cooperación UNFPA/AECID; con el objetivo de formar y sensibilizar a proveedores de salud y funcionarios vinculados con migración sobre las condiciones que aumentan la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones migrantes en América Central, con énfasis en su salud.  Se busca fortalecer las acciones de protección y apoyo en las comunidades de origen, tránsito y destino,  bajo un enfoque de derechos humanos e interculturalidad que promueva condiciones más inclusivas y desarrollo humano. 

National Profile of Migration of Health Professionals – South Africa

Worldwide mobility of health professionals (MoHProf) is a growing phenomenon, impacting the health systems of receiving, transit, and sending countries. EU Member States are increasingly affected by these developments - which might occur simultaneously within the same country. Therefore, the need to develop European policies to adequately address these issues is urgent. At the same time, reliable and differentiated knowledge and findings as a basis for such policy are lacking.

National Profile of Migration of Health Professionals – Morocco

Worldwide mobility of health professionals (MoHProf) is a growing phenomenon, impacting the health systems of receiving, transit, and sending countries. EU Member States are increasingly affected by these developments - which might occur simultaneously within the same country. Therefore, the need to develop European policies to adequately address these issues is urgent. At the same time, reliable and differentiated knowledge and findings as a basis for such policy are lacking.

National Profile of Migration of Health Professionals – Kenya

Worldwide mobility of health professionals (MoHProf) is a growing phenomenon, impacting the health systems of receiving, transit, and sending countries. EU Member States are increasingly affected by these developments - which might occur simultaneously within the same country. This study in Kenya is charged with understanding the context of the migration of health professionals from Kenya.

National Profile of Migration of Health Professionals – Egypt

Worldwide mobility of health professionals (MoHProf) is a growing phenomenon, impacting the health systems of receiving, transit, and sending countries. EU Member States are increasingly affected by these developments - which might occur simultaneously within the same country. Therefore, the need to develop European policies to adequately address these issues is urgent. At the same time, reliable and differentiated knowledge and findings as a basis for such policy are lacking.

National Profile of Migration of Health Professionals – Angola

Worldwide mobility of health professionals (MoHProf) is a growing phenomenon, impacting the health systems of receiving, transit, and sending countries. EU Member States are increasingly affected by these developments - which might occur simultaneously within the same country. Therefore, the need to develop European policies to adequately address these issues is urgent. At the same time, reliable and differentiated knowledge and findings as a basis for such policy are lacking.

Health Worker Migration in South and Southern Africa: Literature Review

A literature review of health worker migration in South and Southern Africa. 

Section 1: Migration flows, patterns and impacts of health worker migration in Southern and South Africa: This section analyzes the available data on flows and trends in health worker migration from southern and South Africa, as well as the impact of migration flows in the context of southern Africa’s human resource crisis in healthcare. 

Recruitment and Placement of Foreign Health Care Professionals to Work in the Public Sector Health Care in South Africa: Assessment

This was presented during the 1st Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, breakout session on Migration on 1 March 2008 held in Kampala. The objectives of the study was to assess the feasibility and interest among stakeholders in the Netherlands, UK and US  in facilitating recruitment and placement of foreign health care professionals to work in the public sector health care in South Africa.