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European and United Kingdom COVID-19 pandemic experience: The same but different

Carroll W.D.,
Strenger V.,
Eber E.,
Porcaro F.,
Cutrera R.,
Fitzgerald D.A.,
Balfour-Lynn I.M.
Document Type
Source Title
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
W.B. Saunders Ltd


The global healthcare landscape has changed dramatically and rapidly in 2020. This has had an impact upon paediatricians and in particular respiratory paediatricians. The effects in Europe, with its mature healthcare system, have been far faster and greater than most authorities anticipated. Within six weeks of COVID-19 being declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organisation [WHO] in China, Europe had become the new epicentre of disease. A pandemic was finally declared by the WHO on March 11th 2020. Continued international travel combined with the slow response of some political leaders and a variable focus on economic rather than health consequences resulted in varying containment strategies in response to the threat of the initial wave of the pandemic. It is likely that this variation has contributed to widely differing outcomes across Europe. Common to all countries was the stark lack of preparations and initial poor co-ordination of responses between levels of government to this unforeseen but not unheralded global health crisis. In this article we highlight the impact of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

Migration angle
Region/Country (by coverage)
Index Keywords

Austria; China; coordination; coronavirus disease 2019; economic aspect; Europe; Germany; government; health care access; health care planning; health care system; human; infection control; interpersonal communication; isolation; Italy; leadership; pandemic; pediatrician; politics; practice guideline; priority journal; Review; social distance; travel; United Kingdom; World Health Organization; Betacoronavirus; communicable disease control; Coronavirus infection; Europe; government; health care organization; health care policy; hospital; organization and management; personnel management; protective equipment; resource allocation; United Kingdom; virus pneumonia; Austria; Betacoronavirus; Communicable Disease Control; Coronavirus Infections; Europe; Germany; Government; Health Care Rationing; Health Policy; Health Workforce; Hospitals; Humans; Infection Control; Italy; Pandemics; Personal Protective Equipment; Personnel Staffing and Scheduling; Pneumonia, Viral; Resource Allocation; United Kingdom; World Health Organization