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Urgency and rule of law in the time of covid-19: Between some essential limits and a needed flexibility [Urgenza e legalità ai tempi del CoViD-19: Fra limiti imprescindibili e necessaria flessibilità]

In order to cope with the CoViD-19 epidemic, the Italian Government approved two Decree-law, later ratified by Parliament, conferring the Prime Minister the power to adopt the regulation to implement the social distancing measures. The essay deals with the compatibility of such a normative method with the Italian Constitution, in particular with the principles concerning the exercise of the legislative power by the Government in emergency situations (art. 77) and the freedom of movement enshrined by art. 16 of the Italian Basic Law. © 2020, University of Trento.

Restrictions on the free movement of persons in the EU during the COVID-19 era: Towards an uncertain future [Las restricciones a la libre circulación de personas en la UE durante la era COVID-19: Hacia un futuro incierto]

This study analyzes the impact that the COVID-19 has had on the free movement of people and the control of both internal and external borders in the EU, at a particularly delicate time, coinciding with the opening of the Conference on the future of the EU. The hypothesis is that the legal framework of free movement both in International Law and in European Law is not suitable to adopt the restrictions that the fight against the pandemic requires.

Some notes about the tourism administrative law: Covid-19 [Algunas notas sobre el derecho administrativo del turismo: Covid-19]

The aim of this paper is to achieve a study of the complex regulatory framework applicable to the spanish tourism sector, based on the rapid and violent emergence of the coronavirus (COVID-19). It analyzes the current normative group of the hotel, restaurant, tourist transport and realize some brief considerations on the tourist leases of business premises, company and accommodation management, in an attempt to configure the basic legal structures of the tourism sector in Spain.

The universal electronic communications service to fight COVID-19 [El servicio universal de telecomunicaciones ante el COVID-19]

The effects of COVID-19 are being felt in Spain and are having a significant impact on the Telecom companies. As the Spanish government's impose restrictions on movement, people are spending more time at home work, leisure and using vastly higher amount of data. The 17th March Real Decreto-ley 8/2020, approving urgent exceptional measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19 are focused on at how telecommunications make changes to benefit consumers during this time. © 2020 Ibero-American Law Institute. All rights reserved.

"Pandemonium of the pandemic": Impact of COVID-19 in India, focus on mental health

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has emerged as a global health threat, with every nation facing unique challenges during the outbreak. Such pandemics are much beyond biological phenomena. They have psychosocial and economic implications that might long outlast the infection itself. India recently crossed 50,000 cases and is undergoing a historic nationwide lockdown in an attempt to control the outbreak.

Higher education for the creation of prosperity, sustainability in security and development in times of COVID-19 pandemic: A case study

Higher education has an important role in contributing to the creation of prosperity and alleviate poverty in society by enhancing the quality of life of the students. Past studies indicate that prosperity can be attained through the sustainability in security and development, in the sense which resources are effectively and efficiently managed for the state and its society. The creation of the state's prosperity includes the development of human capital through the platform of education.

Migrant carers in Europe in times of COVID-19: A call to action for European health workforce governance and a public health approach

The present study explores the situation of migrant carers in long-term care (LTC) in European Union Member States and the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic from a public health perspective. The aim is to bring LTC migrant carers into health workforce research and highlight a need for trans-sectoral and European heath workforce governance. We apply an exploratory approach based on secondary sources, document analysis and expert information.

The SARS-CoV-2 'perfect storm': From humble betacoronavirus to global pandemic

The novel betacoronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has caused a global pandemic unprecedented in modern times. Understanding the key features that have enabled this virus to propagate so widely in the global community is critical to current and future clinical and public health efforts. High proportions of mild disease and peak viral loads at, and likely prior to, symptom onset have hindered efforts to identify and isolate infected persons effectively, facilitating undetected spread of the virus.

COVID19 Led Virtualization: Green Data Center for Information Systems Research

Recent lockdowns over the world due to COVID19 pandemic accelerated virtualization of our social and work life. While virtualization contributes to reducing green-house-gas (GhG) through reduced mobility, it also dramatically increases energy consumption by data centers (DCs) which host large number of servers for realizing virtualization. This paper argues that current engineering-oriented studies on Green DCs need to be complemented by IS scholars to address human and organizational issues. © 2020 Taylor & Francis.