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EU partnerships to reduce HIV and public health vulnerabilities associated with population mobility: Italy Country Report

Author/s: Italian Ministry of Health, Centre of International Health and Trans-cultural Medicine, International Organization for Migration, National Health Institute, San Gallicano Institute, Societa’ Italiana Medicina delle Migrazioni
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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This report has been produced within the framework of the International Organization for Migration project ‘EU Partnerships to reduce HIV & public health vulnerabilities associated with population mobility" funded by the Portuguese EU presidency in collaboration with the governments of Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Portugal and the Netherlands. 

The core of the report, is divided into two main sections. The first section (chapter 4) is a comprehensive overview of migration and health policies and related legal frameworks in Italy, along with a snapshot of the country epidemiological and migration profile. Mainly experts have been involved in the production of this part according to their area of expertise. The Ministry of Health prepared the HIV/TB Policy and Legal Framework, the SIMM contributed to the Migration Policy and Legal Framework, the NHI provided the Epidemiological Context, and the International Organization for Migration was in charge of the Country Migration Profile. The second section is a rapid assessment study which gathers some primary data collection. It has been carried out by the IOM consultant, Dr. Emanuela Forcella, with the collaboration of the Istituto San Gallicano (IRCCS). 


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International Organization for Migration