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Urban Migrant Health Pilot Programme

Author/s: IOM Kenya
Language: English
Publication Type: Brochure/ Factsheet/ Infosheet(External)

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In partnership with the Government of Kenya, and at both national and local levels, the International Organization for Migration offers health care services for urban migrants directly through IOM’s health assessment programme, which fulfills the health requirements of countries receiving migrants. IOM and partners facilitate the Eastleigh Community Wellness Centre, a budding health clinic located in east Nairobi that meets the needs of migrants and their host community without discrimination. The centre, available for both Kenyans and migrants, offers friendly services, a space for capacity building and community dialogue around health and social issues. IOM and partners are able to overcome language and cultural barriers through partnership, with translators, and through sensitized staff. As a result of this programme, migrants across Nairobi have come to know and trust IOM. 

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IOM Kenya