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Empathy and use of evidence in handling travellers coming from covid-19 high-risk countries

Makurumidze R.
Document Type
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Pan African Medical Journal
African Field Epidemiology Network


Most African countries have implemented the recommendation to quarantine travellers coming from COVID-19 high-risk countries. This is a noble public health intervention which has been shown to reduce new infections and mortality. There have been reports of hostility towards travellers returning from COVID-19 high-risk countries regarding quarantine especially in developing countries. Some have been housed in squalid conditions or asked to pay for their own accommodation in private facilities. Moreover, quarantine has been associated with mental and psychological consequences. With the developments in the rapid antibody diagnostic tests, a better understanding of the immunopathogenesis and progression of COVID-19 there might be a need to implement screening algorithms so that only travellers that pose a danger to the community are quarantined. © Richard Makurumidze et al.

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Index Keywords

anger; antibody detection; antibody production; Article; boredom; catering service; condom use; confusion; coronavirus disease 2019; developing country; diagnostic test; disease course; empathy; fear; financial management; follow up; frustration; health care; hostility; household; human; Human immunodeficiency virus infection; immunopathogenesis; incubation time; infection risk; isolation; mortality rate; patient counseling; posttraumatic stress disorder; pregnancy; psychosocial care; public health service; quarantine; reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; sensitivity and specificity; sexuality; sexually transmitted disease; social support; stigma; travel; virus shedding; virus transmission; vulnerable population; water supply