Migration Health Research Bulletin, Issue No. 22

The issue of the Bulletin features studies, reports, and book chapters on topics relevant to migration and health such as disability, infectious and non-communicable diseases, mental health, border management, and human trafficking.

The audio podcast episode discusses the challenges in accessing health care and social services faced by trafficked persons in Moldova as well as the importance and utility of IOM’s health border and mobility management framework.

Health of men, women, and children in post-trafficking services in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam: an observational cross-sectional study


Background: Trafficking is a crime of global proportions involving extreme forms of exploitation and abuse. Yet little research has been done of the health risks and morbidity patterns for men, women, and children trafficked for various forms of forced labour.

Community Health and Mobility in the Pacific: Solomon Islands Case Study

Migration and mobility are central features of the Pacific Islands landscape. The diverse island States dispersed throughout the world’s largest ocean are connected by thousands of years of migration, history, and culture. Mobility continues to remain a cornerstone of contemporary Pacific Islander identity and is central to many facets of Pacific Islands life.

Guía para la Atención Psicosocial a Personas Migrantes en Mesoamérica

La publicación es una guía práctica que contiene herramientas específicas de atención psicológica y psicosocial a migrantes en las diferentes etapas del proceso migratorio. También incluye actividades específicas de cuidado y asistencia a migrantes y autocuidado de personas que atienden a esta población. Destaca de este manual la posibilidad de replicar las actividades en diferentes contextos y según el perfil multidimensional de las personas migrantes en la región de Mesoamérica.

Table of contents: 

Reflections on migrant and refugee health in Malaysia and the ASEAN region

Migrants and refugees face challenges accessing both healthcare and good social determinants of health in Malaysia. Participants at the “Migrant and Refugee Health in Malaysia workshop, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 November 2017” scoped these challenges within the regional ASEAN context, identifying gaps in knowledge and practical steps forward to improve the evidence base in the Malaysia.

The Middle East and North Africa: Annual Report 2014

In 2014, significant flows of migration to, through and from the Middle East and North Africa continued unabated. Ongoing conflict, economic stagnation, and political turmoil were main drivers of migration, though motives for movement remain complex. Irregular migration especially for vulnerable or under-protected people such as unaccompanied minors, women and sexual minorities – exposed migrants to an array of risks as they attempted to attain physical safety and economic stability.

National Migration Policy 2015

There has been increased interest in migration and migration policies in the last decade. Several developments at global, regional, subregional and national levels have raised migration issues to the forefront of the political and policy arenas, emphasizing the need for legal frameworks to curtail irregular migration and maximize the benefits of migration for national development.