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The health of trafficked women: A survey of women entering posttrafficking services in Europe

The trafficking of women and adolescents is increasingly recognized as one of the world’s fastest growing crimes and a significant violation of human rights. Despite the compelling need for evidence on the physical and psychological health consequences to inform rapidly emerging policies and services for trafficked persons, there is limited evidence about the needs of women who have been trafficked. We investigated the health of women and adolescent girls trafficked for sexual exploitation in Europe who were entering posttrafficking services.

IOM training manual on psychosocial assistance for trafficked persons

This training manual is meant to provide qualified reference to general helpers and counsellors on the appropriate operational standards of care and assistance to trafficked persons, paying special consideration to the psychosocial aspects of the trafficking experience. To increase their capacity and effectiveness, it is important for field practitioners to familiarize themselves with the fundamental concepts underlying the stages of human trafficking and their impact on the trafficked persons.

Breaking the cycle of vulnerability: Responding to the health needs of trafficked women in East and Southern Africa

This report documents three trafficking trends in the region, and looks at the health risks that trafficked women encounter in each one. In all three trends women are vulnerable to sexual, reproductive and mental health-related problems. At present, organizations that aim to counter human trafficking in East and Southern Africa tend to focus on the prevention of trafficking, legislative change, and general victim assistance and return.

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers

This handbook aims to provide practical, non-clinical guidance to help concerned health providers understand the phenomenon of human  trafficking, recognize some of the health problems associated with trafficking and consider safe and appropriate approaches to providing health care for trafficked persons. It outlines the health provider’s role in providing care and describes some of the limitations of his or her responsibility to assist.

Migration Health: Summer 2011, Africa and the Middle East

Migration Health is a regional newsletter highlighting how IOM and partners are making a difference to the lives of migrants and mobile populations across Africa and the Middle East. Packed with news features, interviews, photo galleries and IOM’s latest research, the newsletter underpins the Migration Health Division's core mandate to promote and deliver evidence-informed health policies and programmes which are  beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants, mobile populations, and the communities in which they live, or transit. 

Regional assessment on HIV prevention needs of migrants and mobile populations in Southern Africa

A report of findings from an eight-country assessment of the HIV prevention needs of migrants and mobile populations in the SADC region.  The assessment focused primarily on labour migrants employed in the agriculture, mining, transport, construction, informal cross border trade, as well as irregular migrants at a secondary level.


Evaluación de las vulnerabilidades existentes en Centroamérica para Comisión de Delitos Relacionados con la Donación y Trasplante de Órganos con énfasis en la Trata de Personas

Este estudio se concentra en la donación de órganos, especialmente de riñón, por parte de personas vivas no relacionadas en el ámbito público. Otras aristas igualmente importantes de este tema, como por ejemplo el análisis del ámbito privado, merecen ser abordadas en futuras investigaciones que abonen a los hallazgos que aquí se presentan.

Malaria burden in irregular migrants returning to Sri Lanka from human smuggling operations in West Africa and implications for a country reaching malaria elimination

Background: The number of malaria cases among irregular migrants returning to Sri Lanka has not been investigated.
Methods: In the first 6 months of 2012 we screened 287 irregular migrants returning from seven West African nations to Sri Lanka for malaria to ascertain the risk of infection during migration.

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers – Facilitator’s Guide

For health-care providers, trafficking in persons is best understood as a serious health risk because as with other forms of violence, it is associated with physical and psychological harm. Health providers may come into contact with victims of trafficking at different stages of the trafficking process and at different stages of their recovery. The informed and attentive health-care provider can play an important role in assisting and treating individuals who may have suffered repeated abuse.