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Mapping of HIV vulnerability along Northern Maputo and Nacala transport corridor in Mozambique

Author/s: IOM South Africa
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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The following report presents the findings from a study carried out in Mozambique in 2005 as part of project APPLE (AIDS Prevention, Positive Living, and Empowerment), which is coordinated by CARE and funded by the European Union. One of the focus areas of IOM, under its regional project Partnership for HIV and Mobility in Southern Africa (PHAMSA) is to map HIV vulnerability among mobile populations in transport corridors. Therefore, IOM decided to match the APPLE funding so that the study can comprehensively focus on two transport corridors: the Nacala corridor (which runs from Nacala Port in Mozambique to Blantyre in Malawi) and the Northern Maputo corridor (which runs from Inhambane to South Africa).

The objectives of the study were to:
  • Understand and describe local sites of HIV vulnerability;
  • Develop local site maps of HIV vulnerability factors;
  • Produce a visual and spatial framework that can explain patterns of HIV vulnerability; and
  • Present the findings and recommend future respons\es to HIV vulnerability along transport corridors characterised by population mobility.
Region/Country (by coverage)
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Partnership on HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa (PHAMSA)