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Migration Health 2022 Impact Overview

This report is an annual overview of activities led and implemented by the Migration Health Division of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2022, in close collaboration with Member States, other United Nations agencies, and partners, to respond to major health needs in the context of human mobility, meet operational challenges and advance understanding of migration health, encourage socioeconomic development through migration, and work towards ensuring respect of the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

IOM Regional Office for South-eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Migration Health Annual Report 2022

The report provides a summary of key activities in 2022 implemented by the country missions supported by the Regional Office MHD on Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants (H2/MA) and Migration Health Assistance for Crisis-affected Populations (H3/MP) programs in South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.  

Migration Health Research Bulletin, Issue No. 26

The issue of the Bulletin features articles, reports, and technical briefs focusing on migrants’ access to healthcare information and services, health impacts of air pollution, as well as syndromic screening, and disease surveillance.

The audio podcast episode outlines the findings of a desk review to determine the rights of migrants to access healthcare services in the 16 Southern African Development Community Member States as well as an overview of the health challenges faced by international migrant workers globally.

Lessons learned for surveillance system strengthening through capacity building and partnership engagement in post-Ebola Guinea, 2015–2019

The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in Guinea revealed systematic weaknesses in the existing disease surveillance system, which contributed to delayed detection, underreporting of cases, widespread transmission in Guinea and cross-border transmission to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia, leading to the largest Ebola epidemic ever recorded. Efforts to understand the epidemic's scale and distribution were hindered by problems with data completeness, accuracy, and reliability.

Exploring the landscape of health-related information of migrants and its management in Nepal: A scoping review

This report presents the findings on health problems of Nepali migrants, management of migrant health information, and associated stakeholders involved in migrant health issues in Nepal by means of scoping study based on both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were the interviews with 17 key informants working on migrant health-related issues and one focus group discussion with pre-medical health assessment centres.

Emergency Health – 2021 Global Highlights

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is a key player in responding to humanitarian and public health emergencies as well as supporting health system recovery and resilience. Health support in emergencies is an essential part of IOM’s humanitarian mandate and recognized by the Organization’s Migration Crisis Operational Framework as one of the 15 sectors of assistance to address before, during and after crises.