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Setting the scene In: 2nd Global consultation on migrant health 2017

Author/s: Davide Mosca
Language: English
Publication Type: Workshop/ Conference/ Seminar Presentation(External)

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This is a presentation of Davide Mosca, Director of the IOM Migration Health Division, during the "2nd Global Consultation on Migrant Health 2017: Resetting the Agenda"  held  in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 21-23 February 2017. He offered context for the Consultation’s deliberations with a comprehensive review of current migration trends, the interrelationship of health and migration in global agenda setting, and the opportunities for the Consultation to inform global actions. The ‘setting the scene session’ took stock of recent developments on both health and migration, and presented a new conceptual model used in the planning of the Consultation, in an attempt to ‘reset the migrant health agenda’ along common parameters and understandings, multisectoral approaches, and current global goals.
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International Organization for Migration