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Facilitating Voluntary, Safe and Orderly Return and Pre-Departure Medical Screening and Assistance for Burundian Refugees in Tanzania

This project proposes to contribute to safe, orderly and dignified return migration of Burundian refugees through the following Outcome: Outcome 1: Burundian refugees currently residing in the United Republic of Tanzania have been voluntarily returned to Burundi in a safe, orderly and dignified manner This Outcome will be achieved through the following Output: Output 1.1: Transportation assistance is provided to Burundian refugees having expressed a willingness to return to Burundi. Output 1.2: Pre-departure Health and Nutrition Support is provided to Burundian refugees having expressed a w

Tuberculosis in migrants moving from high-incidence to low-incidence countries: a population-based cohort study of 519 955 migrants screened before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis elimination in countries with a low incidence of the disease necessitates multiple interventions, including innovations in migrant screening. We examined a cohort of migrants screened for tuberculosis before entry to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and tracked the development of disease in this group after arrival.

Facilitating Voluntary, Safe and Orderly Return and Immediate Medical Assistance for Burundian Refugees in Tanzania

The overall objective of this project is to support durable solutions for Burundian refugees in Tanzania. Refugees willing to return to Burundi will be provided with safe and dignified transportation, including inter-camp transfer, pre-embarkation medical screening and final transportation to reception centers in Burundi.

Voluntary Repatriation of Burundian Refugees from the United Republic of Tanzania (VRBRU)

IOM will manage the logistics and transportation of refugees and their personal belongings from an identified departure centre to the transit centre in Burundi. In addition to ensuring that the repatriation is undertaken in accordance with generally accepted norms and principles of refugee law and human rights, IOM will ensure that medical screening for all identified refugees is conducted, and provide medical and operational escorts for each convoy movement.

Providing Life-Saving Transportation Assistance to Refugees in Tanzania

IOM’s specific intervention for this CERF/Underfunded window is providing transport and movements support (inclusive of pre-embarkation medical screening), under the sector on Protection. Overall Objective: To complement ongoing humanitarian efforts to provide for emergency and protection needs of refugees in Tanzania. Specific Objectives: 1. To provide refugees, with timely and safe transport, in a dignified manner, from entry points to camps, transfers from one camp to another, and/or for voluntary returns. 2.

Providing Life-Saving Transportation Assistance for Refugees in Tanzania

Given the acute funding shortfall due to the unexpected rise in refugee numbers in the third quarter of 2016, urgent funding is currently needed for 2017 for the following humanitarian assistance components: 1. Safe Transport from the Border Entry Points; 2. Pre-Departure Medical Screening and Assistance; 3. Relocation Support; 4. Family Reunification; 5. Emergency Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (Mhpss) at Border Entry Points

Providing Safe and Dignified Transportation for Burundian Refugees to Transit Centers and Refugee Camps in Tanzania

IOM provides all arriving refugees and asylum seekers with safe and dignified transportation assistance to the safety of the refugee camps in large buses or light vehicles (vulnerable persons) as well as – where needed - boats, ensuring timely pickup from border entry points following communication with village leaders as well as UNHCR officers coordinating the response. Prior to boarding the buses or boats, each person undergoes a medical fit-to-travel check, and IOM doctors and nurses will refer sick and vulnerable persons to specialized assistance when needed.

Providing Life-Saving Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items to People Affected by the Earthquake in Kagera

Following the earthquake which occurred on 10 September 2016, over one hundred thousand people lost their homes, many of whom have been living in the open air since that time. This CERF project will aim to provide temporary shelter and NFI to – in an initial step – those individuals and families who have lost their houses and are among the most vulnerable people in the region.