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Strengthening Counter-Trafficking Efforts (SCOUT) in Sri Lanka

The project is designed to provide technical expertise and capacity building to the National Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (Task Force) in implementing its National Strategic Plan (NSP 2015-2019) through strengthened stakeholder collaboration for improving victim identification and enhanced protection of victims of trafficking (VoTs). The project goal is to strengthen the collaboration among key stakeholders to identify TIP cases, enhance the protection and referral mechanisms for victims of trafficking, and improve victim assistance and psychosocial services.

The need for an evidence-informed, multi-sectoral and community participatory action framework to address the practice of female genital mutilation in Sri Lanka

Background: Female genital mutilation or cutting comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the female external genitalia and or injury to the female genital organs. The practice is most common in 30 countries in the Western, Eastern, and North-eastern regions of Africa, and in selected countries the Middle East and Asia. With increased migration from such countries, health professionals in destination countries. are confronted with the challenge of caring for women and girls subjected to it and mounting responses to inhibit its practice.

Health status of returning refugees, internally displaced persons, and the host community in a post-conflict district in northern Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional survey

Background Although the adverse impacts of conflict-driven displacement on health are well-documented, less is known about how health status and associated risk factors differ according to displacement experience. This study quantifies health status and quality of life among returning refugees, internally displaced persons, and the host community in a post-conflict district in Northern Sri Lanka, and explores associated risk factors. 

Co-chair of National Migration Health Research agenda for internal, inbound, outbound migrants and families left behind

Year Project Started
Main Outcome
A major commission that produced over 20 technical reports and publications led by an interdisciplinary approach and contributed to formulating the National Migration Health Policy and Action plan of Sri Lanka.

Establishment of Model Language Training Laboratory for the Benefit of Outgoing Sri Lankan Migrant Workers (EMFL)

To improve overall protection of migrant workers through enhancing their ability to understand and communicate, IOM, in close consultation and in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare (MFEPW) and Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau (SLBFE) proposes to establish and equip a state of the art Model Language Laboratory with international standards in Sri Lanka. The laboratory is to deliver foreign language training for the most demanded languages of countries to which low-skilled Sri Lankan migrant workers are traveling to.

Community Revitalization though an Information, Counseling and Referral Service in Sri Lanka (ICRS)

The overarching goal of this pilot project is to contribute to human security and stability of the Eastern Province -- a proving ground for national, regional and local levels of the Government of Sri Lanka as the country emerges from 25 years of armed conflict -- by catalyzing the process of re-integrating former combatants into society and therefore facilitating an enabling environment for rehabilitation and development.