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Is there a risk of yellow fever virus transmission in South Asian countries with hyperendemic dengue?

The fact that yellow fever (YF) has never occurred in Asia remains an "unsolved mystery" in global health. Most countries in Asia with high Aedes aegypti mosquito density are considered "receptive" for YF transmission. Recently, health officials in Sri Lanka issued a public health alert on the potential spread of YF from a migrant group from West Africa.

Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among patients attending primary care settings in the post-conflict Northern Province in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study

Background: In Sri Lanka, civilians in the Northern Province were affected by a long-term armed conflict that ended in 2009. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among adult patients attending primary care settings in the Northern Province in Sri Lanka.

Mental distress and potentially modifiable social factors in post-conflict Sri Lanka

The number of people affected by protracted conflicts is surging, especially in North Africa, the Middle East, and eastern Europe, leading to large-scale population displacements. Conflict-related violence and displacement have a direct association with mental health problems.For example, in Sri Lanka—a country emerging from three decades of civil conflict—populations are showing substantial negative mental health consequences of conflict, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Impact of Economic Labour Migration: A Qualitative Exploration of Left-Behind Family Member Perspectives in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a major labour sending country in Asia, with a high proportion of female labour migrants employed as domestic housemaids in the Middle East with increasing remittances. Despite such financial gains for families and national economy, health and social effects on the left-behind families have had limited exploration. This qualitative study was carried out across five districts with high labour migration rates in Sri Lanka. Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with participants recruited through purposive sampling.