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Infographic on costs of exclusion from healthcare

The poster illustrates the additional costs to the health system that can be incurred when entitlement is limited to emergency care. Such restrictions place people beyond the reach of prevention programmes and obstruct their access to care in the early stages of illness, when treatment tends to be cheaper and more effective. The main argument for improving access to health care for marginalised groups has always been based on human rights and principles of equity.

Equi-Health Final Report

The Equi-Health project was designed and managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office Brussels, Migration Health Division (MHD) and co-financed under the 2012 Work Plan, within the Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health (2008–2013), by a direct grant awarded to IOM by the European Commission’s Directorate General (DG) for Health and Consumers (DG SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA). 


Equi-Health: Report on the mechanism for data collection

A report on the mechanism for data collection has been developed, including a template for standardized data collection. IOM has convened an Expert Working Group (EWG) from interested MS and experts to discuss the content of the template, referral mechanism, and piloting/implementation possibilities, confidentiality, data protection and data management. This deliverable provides an overview of the discussions of a template/mechanism for standardized data collection, as well as recommendations for further adaptation.

Health Meditation Models in the EU: Examples of good practice

This document has been elaborated within the framework of IOMs EQUI-HEALTH project, “Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups”, specifically under the sub-action on Roma Health. The EQUI-HEALTH project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), by a direct grant awarded to IOM by the European Commission’s DG for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture, and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA).

Handbook for Health Professionals in the EU/EEA: Health assessment of refugees and migrants in the EU/EEA

This handbook provides a framework for the provision of initial HA services to refugee and migrant beneficiaries. The HAs in the current EU/EEA migration scenario aims at the identification of immediate health and follow‑up needs — which are separate from any legal or administrative considerations around migration.

Migrant health policy: The Portuguese and Spanish EU Presidencies

Health is essential to migrants’ wellbeing and contribution to society. The European Union, European governments and the international community are progressively recognising this link and attempting to address the negative socioeconomic determinants of health which disproportionately affect migrant populations. At the EU level, attention to migrants’ health has been framed by two EU Presidencies, the Portuguese in 2007 and the Spanish in 2010.

Developing a public health workforce to address migrant health needs in Europe

An urgent task in many European countries is to adapt health systems to the needs of today’s multi cultural and multi ethnic societies. Such a transformation cannot take place without a migrant sensitive health workforce that supports the required changes and delivers accessible, culturally appropriate, equitable and competent care.