Labor migrants in St Petersburg: disease awareness, behavioral

While there is a number of studies on prevalence of risk behaviors with respect to communicable diseases among labor migrants in Russia, practically no systematic research linking together their socio-economic background, life circumstances, awareness levels and information sources on communicable diseases has been conducted. At the same time in designing disease prevention campaigns, program planners need to take these factors into account.

Developing a public health workforce to address migrant health needs in Europe

Based on a literature review and survey in selected EU countries, this document provides recommendations for actions and strategy and policy changes by the European Union, Member States and training providers. The engagement of all these actors is needed to reorient the competencies of the public health workforce to the needs of modern Europe.


Improving HIV data comparability in migrant populations and ethnic minorities in EU/EEA/EFTA countries: Findings from a literature review and expert panel

This report presents the findings and recommendations of a review of HIV-related data on migrant and ethnic minority populations in European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

The review was intended to:

MRS N°48 - Mobility of Health Professionals to, from and within the European Union

This publication is a shortened version of the summary report “Mobility of Health Professionals: Health systems, work conditions, patterns of health workers’ mobility and implication for policy makers”, which was published in March 2012, in Bonn, Germany, by a consortium led by Dr. Caren Weilandt at the Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands (WIAD, Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors).

Managing tuberculosis among labor migrants: Exploring alternative organizational approach

Purpose: High volume of international migration calls for the establishment of financial and organizational mechanisms that would ensure provision of treatment for tuberculosis (TB) among migrants. In the case of countries like Russia where budget funding goes for TB treatment, the need is acute as delivering these services is affected by social perception that they should be provided to taxpayers only.