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COVID-19 pandemic and precautionary measures in Pakistan

The current outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has attained the dimensions of a pandemic and World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a global emergency and given it a name of COVID-19. It may remain asymptomatic, but usually presents as influenza-like symptoms initially. It spreads from zoonotic sources, which are still under investigation. Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is the only available diagnostic and confirmatory lab assay for SARS-CoV-2.

Predicting COVID-19 Spread in Pakistan using the siR Model

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has raised several questions and attracted researchers from all of the disciplines of scientific research. Regardless of advances in science and technology, equipped laboratories of virology, high literacy rates, and medical resources in developed countries, several nations and their health care systems completely failed to overcome the disaster. The fast spread is caused by frequent air travel for business, tourism, education, etc. COVID-19 can infect third world countries severely.

Pakistan’s response to COVID-19 pandemic and efficacy of quarantine and partial lockdown: A review

Pakistan, being as a neighbor country of China and Iran was vulnerable most to COVID-19 pandemic. During receiving Pakistani pilgrims from Iran, Pakistani government reacted toward the spread of COVID-19 after report of first COVID-19 case on 25th of February, 2020. Quarantine facilities were arranged with delay and were the main cause of epidemic in Pakistan. Out of the total COVID-19 cases 78 percent cases were linked with the visitors coning from Iran. Simultaneously, Pakistan announced closure of all education institutions with a partial lockdown across the country.

Why is Pakistan vulnerable to COVID-19 associated morbidity and mortality? A scoping review

The scoping review was undertaken to outline the vulnerabilities of Pakistan's public health and healthcare system, which put the population at increased risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) associated morbidity and mortality. The major electronic databases were searched using both “text words” and “thesaurus terms,” focusing on viral infections, COVID-19 and healthcare systems in Pakistan. The content of the selected articles was analyzed by using thematic approach. Out of the total 171 potentially relevant citations, 24 articles were included in the data synthesis.

Neglect of low-income migrants in COVID-19 response

South Asia, home to around a quarter of the world’s population and 40% of the world’s poor, is being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. The global response to the pandemic has focused mainly on containment of the contagion and “flattening the curve” through testing and strict social distancing, but these universal approaches fail to take account of resource limitations in countries in South Asia and ignore the realities of vulnerable populations, such as low-income migrants, internally displaced people (IDP) and refugees.