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Effect of Covid-19 in Otorhinolaryngology Practice: A Review

Otorhinolaryngological manifestations are common among patients suffering from COVID-19. This study provides a brief and precise review of the current knowledge regarding COVID-19 including disease transmission and clinical characteristics. This article aims to review the otolaryngologist experience treating patients in the cities where COVID 19 impact is most, and to propose appropriate protective measures while managing ENT patients.

COVID-19 in India: Transmission Dynamics, Epidemiological Characteristics, Testing, Recovery, and Effect of Weather

The spread of COVID-19 is recent in India, which has within four months caused over 190,000 infections, as of June 1, 2020, despite four stringent lockdowns. With the current rate of the disease transmission in India, which is home to over 1.35 billion people, the infection spread is predicted to be worse than the US in the upcoming months. To date, there is a major lack of understanding of the transmission dynamics and epidemiological characteristics of the disease in India, inhibiting effective measures to control the pandemic.

COVID-19 lockdown and penalty of joblessness on income and remittances: A study of inter-state migrant labourers from Assam, India

Present study made an attempt to examine the penalty of joblessness following coronavirus induced lockdown on income and remittances of inter-state migrant labourers from Assam. The primary data for the study were collected through telephonic-based survey of 451 labourers during May–June 2020. The results of this study showed that, on an average, labourers in the study area remained jobless for nearly 2 months and incurred income loss of INR 28,955 thereby failed to send remittances towards their families by an amount of INR 12,215 during the reference period.

The Bru redemption: group work during the covid-19 pandemic in an internally displaced people’s relief camp in Tripura, India

Powerful governments with huge resources have failed miserably in protecting their vulnerable populations from the covid-19 crisis. In Ashapara–an internally displaced people’s makeshift relief camp in an Indian peripheral state of Tripura, an underdog group of 16 Bru people, against all the odds, has set a rare example by successfully shielding its marginalized indigenous community from the coronavirus. Besides supporting the Brus to cope with the crisis, the group has also helped its members to redeem themselves and restored their lost sense of self-worth and dignity.

Migration and reverse migration: Gulf-Malayalees’ perceptions during the Covid-19 pandemic

The United Arab Emirates has witnessed an exodus of long-term non-resident Indians, especially Malayalees, due to unforeseen impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The Emirates’ consequent economic setbacks, including a fear of the virus and falling job and financial security, threatened the survival of Indians–the largest expatriate demographic in the world and the Emirates. While apprehensive about their homeland’s ability to accommodate a mass reverse migrant population, the reverse migrants still retained attributes and values they associated with migration to the Emirates.

COVID-19: a pandemic to tourism guest-host relationship in India

Purpose: The emerging situation of pandemic due to COVID-19 has not only influenced the daily life but also the society and travel activities around the world thereby depriving tourists (especially who are already on the move) of facilities and even making them to look for desperate alternatives. Such situation in fact may draw a long-term impact on guest–host relationship while residents’ behavior reflects hostility toward the tourists.

An assessment of socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 pandemic in India

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented loss and disruptions over all across the world. From developed to developing, no country has been spared from its brunt. In this paper, we have analyzed the implications of COVID-19 on the economy and society of India so far. An impact assessment on the basis of available lietrature is made on all the three sectors—primary, secondary and service sector along with the impact on migrants, health, poverty, job losses, informal sector, environment, and so forth.

Laboratory preparedness for SARS-CoV-2 testing in India: Harnessing a network of Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories

Background & objectives: An outbreak of respiratory illness of unknown aetiology was reported from Hubei province of Wuhan, People's Republic of China, in December 2019. The outbreak was attributed to a novel coronavirus (CoV), named as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2 and the disease as COVID-19. Within one month, cases were reported from 25 countries. In view of the novel viral strain with reported high morbidity, establishing early countrywide diagnosis to detect imported cases became critical.

A cluster of SARS-CoV-2 infection among Italian tourists visiting India, March 2020

Background & objectives: A cluster of SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred among Italian tourists visiting India. We report here the epidemiological, clinical, radiological and laboratory findings of the first cluster of SARS-CoV-2 infection among the tourists. Methods: Information was collected on demographic details, travel and exposure history, comorbidities, timelines of events, date of symptom onset and duration of hospitalization from the 16 Italian tourists and an Indian with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Insights from COVID-19 cluster containment in Bhilwara District, Rajasthan

Background: In March 2020, a healthcare professional from a renowned private hospital, in the textile city of Bhilwara, Rajasthan, reported clustering of cases of pneumonia amongst doctors and paramedical staff suspected to be due to COVID-19. The basis of suspicion was clinico-eco-epidemiologic-radiological findings as, by that time, about 20 COVID19 cases were reported from the state of Rajasthan including a big Italian group of tourists who travelled extensively in Rajasthan, including Udaipur city.