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Preparatory Assistance for Development of a Programme on Safe Mobility and HIV-AIDS - India

The project objectives are to develop better knowledge of the risks factors for HIV infection in the context of migration, to address the HIV prevention needs of migrants and mobile populations, including prevention of HIV new infections within this population, to develop an action framework for reduction of migrant's vulnerabilities to HIV and incorporate prevention strategies in the implementation of NACP III which will further implement HIV prevention services targeted to migrant communities, and to strengthen collaboration of UN with NACO-(National AIDS Control Organization) in accelera

MRS N°48 - Mobility of Health Professionals to, from and within the European Union

This publication is a shortened version of the summary report “Mobility of Health Professionals: Health systems, work conditions, patterns of health workers’ mobility and implication for policy makers”, which was published in March 2012, in Bonn, Germany, by a consortium led by Dr. Caren Weilandt at the Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands (WIAD, Scientific Institute of the Medical Association of German Doctors).