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Population-level effect of cholera vaccine on displaced populations, South Sudan, 2014

Author/s: Andrew Azman, John Rumunu, Abdinasir Abubakir, Haley West, Iza Ciglenecki, Trina Helderman, Joseph Francis Wamala, Olimpia Dela Rosa Vasquez, William Perea, David Sack, Dominique Legros, Stephen Martin, Justin Lessler, Francis Luquero
Language: English
Publication Type: Scientific Report (Journal)(External)

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Following mass population displacements in South Sudan, preventive cholera vaccination campaigns were conducted in displaced persons camps before a 2014 cholera outbreak. We compare cholera transmission in vaccinated and unvaccinated areas and show vaccination likely halted transmission within vaccinated areas, illustrating the potential for oral cholera vaccine to stop cholera transmission in vulnerable populations.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention