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Migration Health Division Annual Newsletter 2017

Author/s: IOM Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Language: English
Publication Type: Periodical/ Newsletter(External)

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The second edition of the Regional Migration Health Division for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia’s Annual Newsletter provides an overview of migration health projects, events and activities of country missions and the regional office in 2017.

The newsletter is divided into the following sections:

  • Spotlight on Key Interventions – highlights the key disease and corresponding intervention in the region.
  • Projects Under Implementation – provides a brief overview and report on the current status of migration health projects implemented in-country mission within SEEECA that submitted donor report to the Regional Migration Health Division for review and endorsement.  Please note that not all projects within SEEECA were presented in this section.
  1. IOM Tajikistan’s cross-border activities to combat tuberculosis among migrants & success story
  2. Addressing tuberculosis among migrant workers in Kazakhstan
  3. HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in the South Caucasus
  4. Tackling drug abuse among at-risk vulnerable groups in Georgia
  5.  Psychological services for the Moldovan border police
  6. Drug reduction efforts among migrants in Turkmenistan
  7. Towards migrants’ right to health in Central Asia
  8. IOM Sarajevo’s migration health assistance for crisis-affected populations
  9. Studying the nexus between HIV and migration in Belarus
  • Regional Events and Dialogues – provides a chronological report on key events and meetings that are relevant to migrant health programming and advocacy.
  • Useful Publications and Resources – provides a brief description and link to download reports and publications relevant to migration health released within the reporting period particularly those covering the countries and the region.
IOM Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia