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IOM Guinea Ebola Response Situation Report | 21 April to 8 May 2016

Author/s: IOM
Language: English
Publication Type: Periodical/ Newsletter(External)

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  •  Between April 22 and 29 2016, through its sub-office in N’Zerekore, IOM organized a series of field visits to meet with administrative and military authorities of Koyama, Kpaou, Zénié, Baala, Wolono. That aim of the visit was to inform the authorities about the set-up of health screening points at different border points of entry and introduce the health screening agents to be deployed at these border entry points. 
  •  On April 29, IOM distributed hand washing materials to the committee in charge of resource mobilization for the pilgrimage that was organized by Catholics of Christians in the prefecture of Boffa.
  •  From 19 to 23 April, the IM unit supported IOM Sierra Leone staff in implementing their Public health risks and Mobility mapping activities. The main objective of this cooperation is to create a harmonized data base to facilitate the data exchange and comparison of results between both countries. The activities of Public health risks and Mobility mapping have begun in Kambia, near the Guinean border. 
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IOM Guinea