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Health and Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: Findings from a survey of men, women and children in Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam

Author/s: Cathy Zimmerman, Ligia Kiss, Nicola Pocock, Varaporn Naisanguansri, Sous Soksreymom, Nisakorn Pongrungsee, Kittiphan Sirisup, Jobst Koehler, Doan Thuy Dung, Van Anh Nguyen, Brett Dickson, Poonam Dhavan, Sujit Rathod, Rosilyne Borland
Language: English
Publication Type: Technical Report(External)

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Trafficking in human beings is a gross violation of human rights that often involves extreme exploitation and abuse. To date, there has been very limited robust research on the health consequences of human trafficking, particularly for various forms of labour in the Greater Mekong Subregion. This study aims to fill critical gaps in the body of knowledge on the health risks and consequences of human trafficking in order to improve protections and care services. The groundbreaking report provides findings on the health risks and physical and psychological consequences of men, women and children in post-trafficking services in Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam, and includes recommendations to national governments and regional bodies to improve health protection and response mechanisms for trafficked persons.

This study was funded by Anesvad Foundation and the IOM Development Fund.

IOM, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine