Displacement and Health

Author/s: IOM
Language: English
Publication Type: Brochure/ Factsheet/ Infosheet(External)

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With migration being a determinant of health, IOM works to specifically aid the health of displaced populations. Hazardous traveling conditions, overcrowding, and limited access to proper hygiene and sanitation can increase a migrant’s vulnerability to disease, particularly communicable diseases. Yet, displacement can also exacerbate the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). During displacement, the limited access to healthcare throughout travel can delay diagnosis or deplete medications. Governments and health actors are increasingly recognizing the need for a comprehensive multi-sector approach to migration and health. In 2018, the Global Compact on Refugees & Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration were passed which include segments on healthcare for displaced groups. With this mandate, IOM is pioneering all-inclusive practices that will ensure the health needs of displaced individuals so the quality of health does not suffer.

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